Browse Forums Owner Builder Forum 1 Jan 21, 2011 11:30 pm hi all looking for any advice that use that have walked these steps before can offer. We are serisouly looking at the following kit home ... oryId=1279 we have to have a hstp as well. what have others here used if they needed one. we also required to have a 31500L concrete water tank. should i get one this size or 2 smaller ones. and what have people allowed in costs to finish off the inside of there house. I know finish quality will have a big factor in this but is there a genral percentage that we should work off. any advice greatly appreciated. cheers lee Re: looking at owner building 2Jan 22, 2011 8:03 am Hi A couple of answers Completion Costs -Looking at our building contract 30% of the cost was for work after lock up stage. Water tanks the Big tank will be more compact but it may be easier but quite a bit more expensive to have two tanks with each tank taking one side of the house. You only need a 50mm or smaller line to connect the two tanks together for water supply. The Harder You Try - the Luckier You Get ! Web site Informative, Amusing, and Opinionated Blog - Over 600 posts on all aspects of building a new house. Re: looking at owner building 3Jan 22, 2011 12:44 pm Hi 2 smaller tanks has an advantage of being able to pump beteewn them for cleaning/maintenance/leeks etc, and 21,000L tanks are often the most ecconomical to purchase (do you have to use conctete, plastic or fibre glass should be cheaper) Re: looking at owner building 5Feb 13, 2011 3:44 pm Ok so we have moved away from our original kit home as we have decide that we want it all on one level. Here is what we have come up with so far. Any comments on the layout would be great. Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ was thinking about moving the kitchen next to bedroom 4 and removing the rumpus and having a big open living/dining area. Or the rumpus can stay so there is a seperate area for the kids, not sure on this yet. will try and get the better half to work her magic on the computer and see what we come up with. Re: looking at owner building 6Feb 14, 2011 3:24 am I am interested in these too. I have been looking at them for a while as a way to have temporary accommodation while building. Does anyone have a ballpark figure to finish something like the 85m2 Aussie Retreat, excluding the foundations and kit itself. I would do all the work myself (besides electrical and plumbing). I am thinking along the lines of a very low cost solution, so standard ceiling and internal wall cladding with minimal insulation, low spec bathroom and kitchen, cheap flooring (floating floor?). This would only need to last 2 years or so, at which point it would be disassembled and hopefully parts (like the original kit) could be sold to recoup some of the costs. Does anyone know if it is feasible to build these on piers rather than a slab? It would make it much easier to remove after, and the house could potentially even be sold complete to a person wanting similar accommodation while building or to someone wanting a granny flat type setup. Is this crazy? I figure the costs should be a pretty decent saving compared to 2 years of renting (we couldn't afford to build and rent). Re: looking at owner building 7Feb 14, 2011 10:32 am Hi legend, imo,Your plans look very functional, the most important thing to consider in any design is aspect, which way is North, you want all your living areas in the Nth/NE part of the house, bedrooms are good on the East & south, garage/laundry/bathroom etc on the west, with the rumpus will you be having skylights?, if its dark in there you'll probably find it gets used only as a second TV room for the kids at night. Roof profile i believe is important for a good looking house, (skillions??), im no professional designer, have only done one OB, turned out good. cheers woodchip Re: looking at owner building 8Feb 16, 2011 9:11 pm latest update to the plans is that kitchen will be going next to bedroom 4 and there will be one big living dining and rumpus area. i am wantong to get our plans sorted complete and then we will be looking at getting prices. i still think that build a livable shed has to be cheaper. Re: looking at owner building 9Feb 16, 2011 11:43 pm great plans just one point in regards to rumpus room if you are planning a kids play room i wouldnt put it together with living areas as kids get loud and makes it hard to watch tv or entertain.also master 7 hates anyone talking whilst he plays his wii or when he reads a book so seperate play area is a must for us (just a thought) stay safe happy building Re: looking at owner building 10Feb 17, 2011 2:10 am ALWAYS go for 2 smaller tanks rather tha 1 big one - we put in a 90,000 lt rainwater tank attached to shed (& later house) b4 we built the house so we'd have rainwater as soon as we finished the house.... had it up 1 year, full to the brim & the liner separated & we lost every last drop!!!!!! as Hills Guy says, pumping between 2 also allows mtce without water loss....good luck - cheers T&V I believe you do because you are second builder on the job. If you sell who is going to warrant portion of work you have done? 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