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A link to comparing Solar Systems!

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We recently had Solar Panels installed and whilst my husband was researching he came across a website created where people input their actual data from their systems!
It gives you an excellent indication as to what different size systems in all different areas will give you.
I shared this link with Raleighfarm who is currently looking at getting Solar Panels, she also found it very helpful and suggested I add it to the Eco Living section!
Hope you find it helpful too
I found that site really interesting when we were at the "considering " stage. . I was able to find some semi local users who had the various pv systems we were considering. Some even had some of similar size.

Here's the state by state page.

If you load that page then click on your state it loads to a map page with all the users from that state. You can get loads of info that is relevant to your area that way.
i have to check this site - seems very interesting
solar car port in sydney

General Discussion

I looked into it a few years ago and my conclusion was to just build a carport that will support panels and get a system installed separately. The company I looked at had…

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