Browse Forums Eco Living Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 2Aug 19, 2010 10:05 pm Follow Feggle viewtopic.php?f=31&t=34992 Follow lilfeggle viewtopic.php?f=31&t=37149 Asbestosis Sux! Don't breath in Asbestos Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 3Aug 19, 2010 10:50 pm Where you are coming from is where you are going to... Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 5Aug 21, 2010 9:55 am "Now, supposing a house to have a southern aspect, sunshine during winter will steal in under the verandah, but in summer, when the sun traverses a path right over our heads, the roof will afford an agreeable shade, will it not?" -- Socrates, ca. 400 BC Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 9Aug 26, 2010 12:40 pm ![]() I have always been skeptical of the old wives tales like vinegar and bicarb. I think people would struggle to tell the difference in effect compared to plain water. Water is actually an excellent solvent. But it works even better with a bit of soap or detergent mixed in. My Mrs has the hots for a steam cleaner. They start around $900 so not cheap but if they live up to all the marketing hype they sound pretty good. Does anyone have any experience of them? Yeah there are some in my family who feel exactly the same about bicarb as you- they think it is pointless. But from what I have noticed if you add the vinegar to the bicarb if foams up and loosens all the dirt etc with the chemical reaction. Bicarb seems to have been used for 1000's of years in one sort of cleaning or another. Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 10Aug 26, 2010 12:41 pm ![]() i'm not into cleaning thing but i have suggestions here. try it maybe it can help. at least you can use spray bottle not just scrub.. hope it will help. HOME MADE CLEANING PRODUCTS All-Purpose Cleaner 1/4 cup borax 1/2 gallon hot water Mix all ingredients in a pail until dissolved. Apply with a spray bottle, and wipe clean with a rag or sponge. Window & Glass Cleaner 2 teaspoons distilled white vinegar 1 quart warm water Spray Bottle Mix well, spritz on windows and use a soft cotton towel or newspaper to clean. try this one too Thankyou for this suggestion- I know you said you were not into cleaning much but just a quick question.... Do you know what Borax is? Is it natural and not harmful? Not sure and was wondering before I try these great recipes (and cheap!) Thanks Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 11Aug 31, 2010 11:46 am ![]() Do you know what Borax is? Is it natural and not harmful? Not sure and was wondering before I try these great recipes (and cheap!) See Wikipedia for the info. As for natural cleaning products, I use cloudy ammonia for persistent grease, mainly around the kitchen. It pongs, but lifts fat better than all commercial cleaners. Chris My father rode a camel, I drive a car, my son flies in a jetliner, his son will ride a camel.Saudi saying Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 12Sep 02, 2010 8:11 pm I have a spray bottle containing a squirt of detergent topped up with water. Works for almost everything. I used to put in a splash of ammonia, but I ran out and it didn't seem to make a difference so I didn't bother getting more. Most bacteria have evolved to live within a certain pH range. Vinegar is antibacterial because it changes the pHof whatever it comes into contact with. I soak the potty in a vinegar solution, simply because it's non toxic and cheap. Vinegar is also anti-fungal, but only in the right proportions. I've read that too weak a solution just feeds the mould; too strong and you pickle it! ![]() The fizzing that comes from bicarb and vinegar is actually just the neutralisation process at work. So by all means, use the combo if you think the fizz is going to help move some dirt, but if you want the grittiness of bicarb or the antibacterial properties of vinegar, better to use them individually. Good fun for kids though! I also have one of those white microfibre eraser thingos. I use that to get off very hard to remove stains on white laminex. And last of all, I have a spray bottle with just water. I have been using this for years, ever since I discovered my BF had been using my plant misting bottle to clean the stove, thinking it was some sort of cleaner. I had to laugh recently. I was wandering round the display rooms of our kitchen cabinet makers and I was utterly perplexed at this cage thingamejig in the cupboard under the sink. I finally decided it was some kind of safe. But it seemed an odd place to put it ... "It's a chemical safe, luv" was the reply, "You put all your cleaning stuff in it." It was nice to be able to tell the guy that I cook with almost all of the stuff I clean with. e. Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 13Sep 04, 2010 7:09 am I just use wool wash for the windows. For the kitchen I use Ammonia and dish-washing liquid, phosphate free. Ammonia is a natural product, its just a bit toxic to living stuff just like alcohol and methane. Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 14Sep 04, 2010 11:15 am Have a look at Soapnuts from one of our Homeone members ![]() Available mail order ![]() Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 15Sep 10, 2010 7:13 am Natural soap from nuts. Nature has everything! Who needs coles... Saponin? Isn't there a native scrub tree the locals use for making soft water? Something about the bark rings a bell... Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 16Sep 10, 2010 3:22 pm I have had chemical free house for around 4 years. I replace the shower and kitchen cleaner with a vinegar/water spray first (1:3) Then I was given an Enjo mop for all my flooring, and that just uses water. I started buying a grey water safe dishwashing detergent, and my hands don't get that horid dry feeling afterward. My last was the washing detergent. I found the grey water safe ones too expensive and didn't do the job. But soon a 'water way' safe product came on the market in a bulk tub, which I find cleans really well and I know I am not contributing to water polution. I use vinegar as a softener for my towels, it also cleans your machine. Breaks down the soap scum. Another vote for Eucalyptus oil. Great for getting sticky stuff off as well. I don't have alot of use for bicarb. I have sprinkled it in the toilet bowl. I then spray over the top with vinegar and scrub. A little squeeze of lemon (I have a million on my tree) and a dash of eucalypt and I know it is germ free. Also research has shown that toilet cleaners break down the porcilen(?) finish and make certain things 'stick'. I definatly find my toilet looks cleaner for longer than when I used toilet bowl cleaners. I have noticed that I can barely walk down the cleaning aisle at the supermarket now. My eyes water and my nose runs. My sensitivities to chemicals must be weakening, but at least I know that all those things will be staying there on the shelves and not in my house. Cleaning this way is cheaper and more eco friendly. Another bonus is with cleaning residue you will find dust/dirt has less to stick too and you will clean less. Building with Life$tyle Homes in Perth SOR Key Dates on First Page of my Thread viewtopic.php?f=31&t=38761 Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 17Sep 10, 2010 9:49 pm I am cleaning buses ATM (don't laugh it pays ridiculously well) at night so I can attend TAFE. I have to use a bus solution which is basically non foaming nuclear degreaser. I also have to compete with other cleaners who care not about it and mop mud into the clean buses. (Yes you did put a mop on the floor, no its not clean) I have replaced window wash with wool wash. I have replaced surface cleaner / disinfectant with Orange solvent. (nothing survives) This also cleans graffiti off plastic at near to the same rate as thinners. (Yep I need strong stuff because the world is full of miserable ****. If you ever see a guy tagging the train, push him out! No one will care...) I mix coconut oil and vanilla oil into a tee tree soap solution and use this for the hand rails, touchy surfaces and bins. It smells like Nag Champa and our buses are now growing dreadlocks. Given the location if our younger clients started being hippies and stopped being mindless bogans I would care not... Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 18Sep 11, 2010 8:25 am There are some great eco friendly products out there which are good and do not cost more money, I use ecostore products which are really good and while they seem a bit more expensive, they last longer. They have a good cream cleanser which i use to clean the shower not so much elbow grease! Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 19May 06, 2011 9:01 pm [quote="sheznay"]I have had chemical free house for around 4 years. My last was the washing detergent. I found the grey water safe ones too expensive and didn't do the job. But soon a 'water way' safe product came on the market in a bulk tub, which I find cleans really well and I know I am not contributing to water polution. quote] Which one was this? DH has a lot of chemical sensitivities, so w're on the lookout for a good one. Today is under construction. Thank you for understanding. Re: Environmentally friendly cleaning products 20May 06, 2011 9:12 pm Bicarb soda makes a great odour remover in carpet etc. My labrador has been helping herself to our couch we we leave the room ![]() Building our custom design "Dream Home" ![]() Follow my Build - viewtopic.php?f=31&t=46820 Contract Signed - 28/04/11 Siteworks Commenced - 20/06/11 After some ideas on making our patio kid friendly . Currently we have exposed aggregate. The patio faces west and is always in sun even though it has a shade directly… 0 20509 Yep, efflorescence as mentioned above. You could look to clean it with a "acid" based cleaner and then seal with a penetrating sealer. This may not stop it entirely but… 3 15048 ![]() I’m after some advice about how to go about cleaning 600x400mmx30 thick filled premium pavers. My large pool paving project has gone rather slow over the months my… 0 10835 |