Browse Forums Home Theatre & Automation 1 Oct 28, 2014 10:40 pm Looking to get the HT and music system sorted for the new house. Will be used for HT and also music so looking for an all rounder. The HT will be 5.1 system with in ceiling rears. The undercover deck will have a pair of in ceiling speaker used for music only. I'm not needing full separate 2 zone function on the amp as will never want to have two separate sources playing as the HT room and deck adjoin. Was thinking a Yamaha RX-577 for the AV receiver ... uct_lineup I listened to some sets of speakers and narrowed it to either a Paradigm monitor 7 set or the Yamaha EF series set which I preferred. ... mode=model Might change out the sub for the Paradigm PDR100 or Yamaha YST-SW515 if better? But will swap out the Bookshelves and outdoor speakers in this pack for Yamaha NS-IC800 ... mode=model So for $2500 what are peoples thoughts on the Yamaha RX-577 paired with the EF series pair and IC800 in ceilings? Any other suggestions that would be better for the money, or in reverse, any suggestions that would be on par for less money. Seen a lot on talk about the accusound Ref 8.6XD set and wondering how this would compair sound wise to the Yamaha EF set? ... ranty.html Re: HT & Music system feedback 2Oct 28, 2014 11:16 pm Have you looked at the Sonos systems for music around the house ? There's both ios and Android apps available to control it on your phone or tablet. Owner Building at Jimboomba Woods in Logan City Qld. ![]() Blog : H1 thread : viewtopic.php?f=38&t=68283 . Re: HT & Music system feedback 3Oct 28, 2014 11:28 pm I would check out the latest dolby atmos gear from pioneer. Sonos is good but to be honest for the price of setting sonus up there are other solutions that also serve all media needs to. you can use a pc with hdmi to your amp and run jriver as a home theater amp. I use this and you can pipe the music to where ever you want. Most receivers have internet radio nowdays as well. Most expensive part of my pc is the memory it takes but that comes down to what you want..... All controllable form my iphone or android as well. Cheers mark Re: HT & Music system feedback 4Oct 29, 2014 9:07 am No doubt look at the Dolby Atmos gear for the HT, but I was looking at the request for music around the house, and I felt that the Sonos stuff is very simple to set up and manage, and oh so easy to add more Sonos devices wirelessly or wired around the house purely for music. I agree that if you want video as well as audio there are other options that do the job better than the Sonos stuff, but as long as you have a ethernet connection near to your display devices (TV's), or better yet HDMI over Cat6 from the HT room to each TV, you can do a lot of stuff. ![]() Owner Building at Jimboomba Woods in Logan City Qld. ![]() Blog : H1 thread : viewtopic.php?f=38&t=68283 . Re: HT & Music system feedback 5Oct 29, 2014 9:46 am Not trying to argue or dissing Sonus. OP asked to get HT and music sorted for the house. I would look at amps that offer best of all. I realise that sonus is easy to set up but once a HT system is done you rarely need to change the settings. I have the same questions for my house and there are ways of using wifi to play music throughout the house which are also simple to hook up. Anyway sonus is still a very good option. Re: HT & Music system feedback 6Oct 29, 2014 12:16 pm Hi guys Thanks for the replies. I'll check of the Dolby Atmos gear. I look at Sonos but was 100% so went will standard type setup. Just to expand I have already run the wires for the deck and 5.1 rears in the ceiling / walls so that's all good just looking at options for speakers / Receivers before I go cut holes in the roof for the in ceiling speakers. No point cutting 8 inch holes for the Yamaha in ceilings if I end up buying a deferent brand or size. Keep the suggestions coming Re: HT & Music system feedback 7Oct 29, 2014 12:24 pm Check out krix they have a number of ceiling applications. All the receivers will be fairly similar, I have used Dennon, Onkyo, Sony, Yamaha and Marantz and they all performed well. I am going with krix for my cinema and already have some good monitors and floor standers for music only. Re: HT & Music system feedback updated 8Oct 31, 2014 8:21 pm thanks for the feedback so far. Possibly looking to head in a slightly different direction, being buy a better amp (or shop harder), get better fronts and don't worry about the sub for now, if the budget get a centre great if not it will wait. Thinking will prefer better music then the extra sound during movies. So looking at front speakers and hoping for feedback on these: I've listened to Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 bookshelf's which were nice; Aaron AST3 @ $700 Aaron AST5 @ $900 Wharfedale Diamond 10.4 @ $900 Suggestions for In ceiling rears of the AV side of the set up, looked at Yamaha IC600 any better suggestions? Also suggestions for a pair of in ceiling speakers for deck for music, looked at Yamaha IC800 as have a better woofer, any better suggestions? AV Receivers been looking to stretch the money further so looking at these, what would you pick?: Need a least powered zone A&B hence these Yamaha RX-V577 brand new $700 (original choice) Yamaha RX-A730 refurb $700 (would you buy refurb to get a better AVR?) Denon AVRX2000 $669 (superseded but good saving) Tried to keep it short so any question please ask away. Thanks Re: HT & Music system feedback 9Oct 31, 2014 9:10 pm Spend the money on speakers. Receivers are always being upgraded. Don't rush and look into what will suit your needs best. Re: HT & Music system feedback 10Nov 03, 2014 7:00 pm Any one that has an opinion on either of these two speakers for fronts for music and as a surround system? Aaron AST5 @ $900 or Wharfedale Diamond 10.4 @ Now $800 Any suggestions for in ceiling speakers: 1 pair for an enclosed deck for music and 1 pair for rears in surround system. Got $550-600 to spend on both pairs. Listened to a pair of B&W CCM362, nice but not 100% sure. Pretty keen on the Denon AVRX2000 as for the price this it great value. Re: HT & Music system feedback 11Nov 11, 2014 9:40 pm I have a single ICS600 in my en suite, and it plenty loud enough. Have you considered the AW592 outdoors? That's what I've been using on my deck, and I suspect may have better bass, as they are separate, and it has more than sufficient coverage for my deck (which I have to admit isn't that big at 8m x 5m). Haven't needed to use more than 40% to extend into the garden (fortunately not facing neighbours). I mount it hidden under the eaves. I'm using the Paradigm Millenia 5.1, and that seems to work quite well (I don't have a dedicated media room), but that may be over your budget. Thanks , we decided to go with them now in the process of designing, yes I agree they are super flexible with design and super flexibility with our needs , anyway one… 2 44496 Hi Brainstrust, I had a go at creating my own irrigation plan, keen to get some feedback. It will be run from one 750-800W pump, off 2* 5000L rain tanks. Each zone… 0 36717 |