Browse Forums Home Theatre & Automation 1 Dec 21, 2010 9:16 am Our "Better Homes Queensland" Cairns Build viewtopic.php?f=31&t=40451 Current stage - 1st builder's clean done. Keys soon. Re: In-ceiling speakers - anyone using Speakercraft Aim 8 3' 4Jan 16, 2011 5:54 am Our "Better Homes Queensland" Cairns Build viewtopic.php?f=31&t=40451 Current stage - 1st builder's clean done. Keys soon. Re: In-ceiling speakers - anyone using Speakercraft Aim 8 3' 8Jan 20, 2011 9:00 am ![]() ![]() Unfortunately in walls and ceilings are not particularly efficient unless they have a back box construction. One area where they can fall behind a little is in their power handling, most likely due to the restrictions they face in designing the drivers (they typically can't afford to be any more than 80-90mm deep), which will obviously mean they can't be driven as hard and therefore ultimately won't be able to be pushed to louder volume levels, but this is still more attached to the more affordable In-walls. Perhaps think about it this way: If you would consider spending $1500-$2000 on a pair of floorstanding speakers you should also consider the quality and capabilities of some equally priced In-walls... As an example, the Paradigm SA-35 In-walls (below) out-perform MANY equivalently priced floorstanders - RRP $1799 pair - but then they are Paradigms ![]() ... ries/sa-35 Hi Rodda, I do agree with you about the Paradigm speakers. I have heard them and was blown away by their performance (actually heard them in Canada at a friend's place and they sounded special. But then he was driving them with large Classe amps. When you spend 13k on each amp, I would expect a pretty rich sounding system. However, if the budget stretches this far, I could not think of a better sounding in-wall for the price. However, there are a million lesser quality in-walls and in-ceilings available that claim to offer the finest in audio performance and whilst I understand the need to compromise for aesthetic reasons, so many people put in-walls in only to find that ultimately they are a little disappointed with what they can do. With regards to published efficiency figures, I do tend to agree with you, but there is still the issue with physics. Maybe I have misused the term 'efficiency' in the strictest term. I was relating rather to the volume of the speaker in relation to it's input. I don't claim to be an expert in speaker physics and am happy to be proved wrong, but from my layman's understanding, in order for a speaker to generate high volumes, it needs to move large amounts of air. The inside of a wall cavity is a large amount of air but is hardly a particularly effective 'enclosure', with leakages between joists, irregular shapes etc. Likewise, unless the backing box manufactured with the speaker is of a similar size to a well tuned cabinet, then it is a physical impossibility for that speaker to move enough air so as to reach the volume levels of a larger, floor standing speaker. Of course, you will get arguments from the proponents of Bose speakers (sorry to those who have spent a fortune on this equipment ![]() Not being argumentative and maybe your experience with in-walls has been more favourable than mine. I am just of the opinion that if you are going for a nice set up with projector and large screen, sound is a major part of the experience and I would be let down after cutting holes in my walls to have anything less than 'BIG' sound from my speakers. Re: In-ceiling speakers - anyone using Speakercraft Aim 8 3' 9Jun 18, 2012 4:48 pm ![]() ceiling speaker's are really only used for music.I've speakercrafts crs6 they sound excellent , watching twister (blu-ray release) its disgustingly loud and clear. Ceiling speakers should never be used for music, it's more for sound effects AKA home theatre sound effects. No meant to be harsh, but anyone uses ceiling speaker for music should be shoot. There is nothing beats a good dedicated 2 channel floor standing speakers for music listening, in saying that, if you're really into music, a clock radio is just as good. Built: Modified H3nl3y S0h0 Q1 in Melbourne :- Never again Re: In-ceiling speakers - anyone using Speakercraft Aim 8 3' 10Jul 13, 2012 11:25 pm ![]() Ceiling speakers should never be used for music, it's more for sound effects AKA home theatre sound effects. No meant to be harsh, but anyone uses ceiling speaker for music should be shoot. There is nothing beats a good dedicated 2 channel floor standing speakers for music listening, in saying that, if you're really into music, a clock radio is just as good. I would definately disagree with this statement it is far to general! Have you had the please of hearing these from Krix? Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Planning to do below table for speakers with steel wiremesh door. Anyone did stainless steel wiremesh door for… 0 5010 what's the rationale on this? In my mind, the risk weepholes mitigate isn't solved by acrylic render. 9 42725 Many thanks for your reply. Yes I am concerned with the work done. I have another problem with my contractor and I hope this next investigation and review with the… 2 20235 |