The Tivo is 'Freeview ready' which is why the add skipping feature has been disabled is Australia. All this kind of nonsense does is drive people away from mainstream products and download content illegally or copy.
I would love the ad skip option and it does annoy me that it's been disabled.
Is there any way to turn it back on (like making a DVD player multi-region) just using a hack/code?
Was thinking the same thing...surely it's just a firmware "flash"...although this suggest it may be more complex... http://www.pcauthority.com.au/Review/11 ... t-one.aspx
Of course this touches on another sore point; ad-skipping has been disabled, and entering the secret ad-skip code that works on US TiVos didn't remedy the situation. We could still fast forward the adds at up to 30x, and when we pushed play it jumped back a few seconds so we didn't miss the start of the show.
Surely there's a supergeek hero working on a secret hack....!