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Has anyone cut and retained rather than doing drop edge beam

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Our lot has between roughly 0.5m diagonally from back to front.

Our builder wants to do a drop edge beam down the side of the garage which would mean the angle of our driveway would be increased and we'd have a small retaining wall (i assume) off the side of the driveway.

We asked about not doing a drop edge beam and cutting in to the block instead (which we understand would require retaining the far side of the block).

The response back was that drop edge beam is better building practice and then gave me quotes to drop the garage floor (so we'd have steps into the house and backyard).

Is it really that big a deal to retain half a metre down the side of the house (we have around 3.5m tapering back to 2.0m of clearance from the house to the fence down that side).
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