My name is Robert, my wife and I live in the shire, NSW and am building the Boston 36 on a 14.3m by 40.23m block. Have just paid $1450 Step 1, The site inspection in our KDR project.
This is our first time building, we just found out my wife is pregnant so i'm ready for the most stressful next 2 years of my life as I can be. I'd love any tips, thoughts and feedback from anyone.
Here is our quote
- base price $429,850
- Hamptons Facade $42,150 (extra $10k to have all of upstairs bricked up in lieu of cladding)
- Additional site costs: $67,000
- grand alfresco with rear balcony option: $53,484
- Hebel Power floor $28,000
- Stair upgrade: $16,306
- extend length garage by 1080mm $18,000
- Provisional Allowance for tiles: $18,000
- double glazed windows provision: $15,000
- Provisional Allowance for electronics: $15,000
- extend theater room linen and guest room width by 480mm $6,000
- butlers pantry options: $5,329
- 2750 ceiling upgrade from 2600 in lieu of promotion, inlcuding all door height increase $5,319
- upstairs height extension 2600mm, including extended door heights $4,584
- because I live in the shire $4,000 (this was my favourite item in the quote)
- Full height tiling to wet areas: $3,882
- shower in powder room $3,050
- Terracotta roof tile promotion $2,950
- soundbreak acoustic glasswool batts to all rooms and theater room $2,500
- 2 x recessed tracks into slab to alfresco: $2,200
- acoustic plasterboard for bedrooms/theater $1,500
a couple of other bits and pieces:
total is $720 607
I am most likely going to get a credit back for the floors and get it done post handover but i'm not sure at this point, it depends on the selections they have in their builders range and the upgrade price it takes for my wife to be happy with the tile.
I will come back and update this with my blog and share some photos as I advance a bit through the stages.