How did you go with the NBN installation? I am at Tender stage with my builder and they're guaranteeing that they will do the lead-in from the pole to the external side of my house for PCD and then on to the garage for the NTD. I live in the HFC - Aerial Lead-in area. I am still not convinced that they know what they're talking about. Sigh
Hi, we are at plaster and bricking stage ourselves and the NBN setup was also a concern for us early on. Our builder (electrician) ran a separate conduit underground with a draw string (for NBN) when they did the main power conduit from street to where the meter box is located. So just double check onsite before the concrete team start boxing up etc for the slab, that the sparkie has a specific conduit for the NBN pull through....then at roughin stage they should have another conduit with draw string from this location to where your NBN NTD will be located.