I was wondering what happened to you on FB as well... Have you decided on which concreter to use? Maybe stay away from the one i recommended, we have lots of cracks around the foothpath and my driveway

Hate those types of neighbours, they sound like they nitpickers over every small things! Hope you don't have to deal with them too often!
Yea we are getting the keys tomorrow morning! So we will finally be moving int!
Oh no way!! Thats terrible! We got a quote from him and he was just way too expensive in the end! We ended up getting another guy and its a lot cheaper and he has been concereting for many many years and he also does house slabs so he seemed a little more trustworthy and was honest about not ripping me off! Most of these other concreters are ripping people off!
The neighbour is nice, dont get me wrong, he is just a huge royal pain and doesnt know personal space! AS soon as i rock up at the house he comes outside to talk to me i have to be firm with him! He is going to bug me when I start our landscaping! Thats for sure!
Congrats mate. hope you settling well in now.
Still haven’t moved in, we are getting the driveways and paths done first, getting blinds and curtains installed and then we will be moving in