On my pre-contract estimate which includes the Hebel promotion, the item description says:
Provide October 2017/January 2018 Hebel & Render Promotion to Designer by Metricon & Freedom by Metricon double storey homes including:
* Hebel and render coating system (2-coat) to Single Storey (all elevations) as selected from builders standard range of colours in lieu of standard.
* Hebel projected sills to front elevation windows only.
* Hebel above front Garage door.
* Hebel infills above side and rear elevation windows and doors.
Note: This item does not include Hebel sills to side and rear elevation windows/doors - this upgrade is available in a separate item. External wall thickness reduces from 240mm to 205mm. Therefore overall external areas will reduce. Internal room dimensions and areas will not alter from plans. This item and price is based on the standard home only. This item does not allow for any non-standard variations. If the standard home is altered in any way the price may be amended (where required). Additional charges apply where site location is within one kilometre of coastal environments. This offer applies to Victoria Metropolitan building regions and selected regional Victoria building regions only - Macedon, Warragul, Lang Lang, Drouin, Grantville, Corinella, San Remo & Philip Island and is only available with new home deposits received from 2nd of October 2017.
Thanks R_13. I will ask about this on Sunday at our prelim contract signing. I am guessing we didn't get this as we received another promotion for the Glendale limited edition with other savings. I am sure we won't get both

Unless your other promotion was including upgraded bricks? Then it doesn’t matter what promo you got. This is for everyone who’s building a double story. My daughter bought the promo pack and still got the hebel. It’s seperate. They are encouraging it because it’s cheaper then paying for brick layers. They are doing themselves more of a favour then they are for you. It also cuts time down as hebel is faster to install. So it works out better for them cos then the house is done sooner.