- Increased the garage in both directions
Added a small storeroom
Increased length BRM's 2 and 3
Added a WIP
Shrunk and closed off the activity making the Family room larger
Removed double set sliders from Family to Alfresco and replaced with custom 28c high triple stacker
Walk in showers with no doors
Door in WIR upstairs through to the roof
A myriad of other alterations and upgrades
We lived in a circa 1950's house in Doubleview for 4 years and then demolished it last year for our new home. Retaining walls, fences and pool went in first then we handed over to BTH.
- Slab went down start of December
Plate high around mid Jan
Trusses and scaff up and prep for upper slab
Timber frames for walls and roof finished last week
waiting for windows, EPS cladding and render to take place
So far so good, some issues along the way but nothing that cannot be fixed like I am sure you are all familiar with when venturing into a new home build.