Browse Forums Building A New House 1 Feb 09, 2014 8:21 pm Hi, I have recently built a house in a new estate in Melbourne, I want to find out for those of you or people you know who has not follow the estate design guideline, what were the consequences? for example if I want to attach lattice or bamboo screening on top of the fence, and the estate have said no don't do that, but the design guideline does not specify I cannot do that, can I still do that or does the estate design team have the rights to ask me to remove it? Those of you who have similar experience, can you please advise? Thanks. Re: Consequences of not following Estate Design Guideline 3Feb 09, 2014 9:24 pm It depends on the state you are in and the council area, however the general rule is that a dividing fence can only be 1.8m high. Adding a screen to the top of this may breach council rules. At a minimum try and find out what rules your council applies. Before doing anything you should also consult with your neighbours ( find out what the council rules are first ). Unfortunately this type of info is hard to find. Build thread: here Land Nov 12, Contract 6/07/13, Consent 15/08/13, Start 20/09/13, Slab 25/09/13, Frame 4/10/13, Brick 21/10/13, Roof 2/11/13, Lock-up 17/12/13, Handover 3/3/14 Re: Consequences of not following Estate Design Guideline 4Feb 10, 2014 10:30 am There are two things to check. 1 - Your title documents. Some title documents state what developer rules are on your particular block. For example ours says that the fences cannot be shorter than 1.7m and not taller than 2.1m. 2 - Your Shire or Council - My local Shire requires planning permission for any fence over 2.0m unless your estate allows 2.1m fences in which case you wont need a permit. I would suggest that if you have either of these, and you do something outside the prescribed guidelines they'll either have you alter it at your cost or alter it for you and bill you. Up to you if you want to annoy your council or developer. Not really a good idea I would have thought. Re: Consequences of not following Estate Design Guideline 5Feb 10, 2014 1:13 pm Quote: I want to attach lattice or bamboo screening on top of the fence All the reasons the others have given you plus that it looks like crap when new and even worse after a few years when the rain and sun has gotten to it. Stewie A lot of those Covenants are put in place at the time the Developers are still involved and marketing a certain look and they get ignored or expire after a time. If the… 1 20048 ideal house depends on the site and location as much as internal floor plan....what is the distance from the house to all four boundaries, where is north, describe your… 3 41219 We used a smaller qld builder who went bankrupt about 12 months after completion of ours. It was a shame as they were good and relatively cheap and I would have used… 3 21211 |