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I think this looks shocking ! - what do you think ?

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Hi Guys,

We visited the house on Friday & were excited about finding some of the architraves had been put up.

Now, before the house was all drawn up, one of the extra's we added was 100mm architraves. Nice & chunky !
The picture below, is of the office cupboard, with it's new 100mm architraves.

As you can see, the left had side has a fair chunk of Gyprock & it's 100mm architrave. The right hand side has a chopped 100mm architrave. Chopped down to about 50mm. I think this looks ridiculous !
They could have made it slightly more symetrical, don't you think.

Please let me know your thoughts ?
Looks like they didn't leave enough room for the 100mm and had to shave it down. Nope don't like it. not sure how they could fix it though.
Well, this is just one example. There are 7 other examples. Looks like when they did the frame, they just didn't allow for our chunky architraves.
I know it's a lot of work to fix, but I think they are just going to have to.
Your builder should have picked this up. ! I think he now has quite a bit of fixing to do. It will look much better when both sides of the architraves are even.

My really wonder about these people.

No way would I stand for this...............go get 'em Rikster - stand your ground.
Sometimes, you just feel that you need to be there each day, to check up on them.
They really should have known that the frame was incorrect for 100mm architraves. Now, they will have to pull down the Gyprock, fix the frame & start again.
We'll just have to wait & see what happens when they receive my letter on Monday !
Hmm.... yep doesn't look very nice, especially if there are a few in the house.

The std arch's would have been fine i assume....the builder should have really picked that up before this stage....

I'd be having a serious chat with the builder and getting them to change it!

BTW, i love the 100mm arch's by the way Rikster, very nice choice!!!
Hi Rikster,

Stand your ground, yu knew what you wanted you should get it.

You'd think that with the attention to detail you have paid in considering the various features they would have picked this*ggin der brains!
sorry, but I haven't heard someone say 'der brain' since highschool....
I just hope they graciously acknowledge their mistake on Monday and quickly set about pulling down the gyproc.
Only time will tell !

Thanks for your input folks. Looks like I'm not over reacting then.
Makes you wonder how they think they can get away with this sort of thing, they must think you're stupid or something.
Also makes you wonder how much stuff ups they've gotten away with on other houses.

I was wondering how has the rest of the build gone so far? No other issues or is this one of a few?
This isn't the first issue we've had with their work. There's been others. Some they have been happy to correct. For instance they ripped down a complete wall because we weren't happy with the brick laying and they agreed it loooked terrible.

There are other issues we have let slide, but I'm not willing to do that with the architrave as it's such a visible mistake. I just don't understand how they can quote and charge us to upgrade all architraves to 100mm and then not provide it. Did they hope we wouldn't notice?
Hi Rikster,

Stand your ground.

Young Homes positions themselves in the market as offering " custom" homes,promising a very good finish, unlike the mass volume builder and this is reflected in their prices.

Attention to detail surely should be the first thing that Young homes must deliver.

I see this all the time!!!!!

Trust me it gets worse…….I might start taking photos of what I see at peoples homes, just to show you all what goes on.

You may think it looks awful, and your right, it does, but for some reason the builders try NOT to see it.
Goodness me, what did they think you wouldn't notice!
You know if they had just come and told you in the first place it would have saved them a lot of work later.
Maybe they hope you won't notice until it's too late, well maybe if they were the same colour as the doors!

That's shocking I wouldn't have it. I would rather have them shave all of them to a lesser width rather than have them unsymmetrical.
That happened to our house as well, almost everything we changed were missed. There must be some communication problems between the CSR/guy who order the parts/site supervisor, no one seems to have read the documents and just assume everything is standard. In the end they have to remove and re-do all of them. A huge waste of time and effort, plus impact to the schedule as well.

I think this is going to a bit difficult to fix as for every door they need to remove the wall, the door, architrave, timber frame, ...etc, and then put everything back. That's a lot of work! They might come back to you and say they like to refund you the $ or even offer something as compensation.

I think the nice looking 100mm architrave definitely worth the effort, don't give up and good luck!
Hi Allan,

Yes, it's a frame issue unfortunately. Before the design was finalised, we requested 100mm architraves. They are essential, as we are going for bold wall colours & need the contrasting thick white architraves & chunky skirting boards.
It looks like the builder never made the appropriate adjustments for the architraves to the frame. I guess it only needs 3cm extra either side of a door - something that you can't see in the plan.

We are most certainly sticking to our guns. A refund of the upgrade would certainly not make us happy. We want 100mm architraves & the builders are going to have to rip down the gyprock, adjust the frame around the doors & start again.

I will let you all know how we go !

Thanks for all your input guys, it makes me realise that we should stick to our guns & demand what we contractually signed for.
it makes me realise that we should stick to our guns & demand what we contractually signed for.

Absolutely, you've obviously thought long and hard about your "look" as most people it it right...pretty simple....
The thing to remember is that they are probably standard size doors, so if they were to rebuild the frame they would have to get rid of those doors and get custom ones. The door frame starts from the wall so the only way to fit is to rip down the trim.Have a look in the toilet or another small room and it will probably look the same.When did you decide to get the larger archs,before or after the plans were completed?
Timber or carpet on first floor- which looks good ?

General Discussion

Thank you. Do I use timber floorboards for stairs or do people use timber treads? Or is both the same?

Do you think this kitchen is original

Kitchen Corner

No. It's not original. Circa early to mid 90s would be my guess and maybe even as late as early 2000s

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