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love thy neighbor - parapet wall

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Hi all,

When I started building in April I did not have a neighbor. But I have just received a letter from my neighbors builder stating that they are building a parapet wall 50mm from my boundary. I just have an issue with the wall blocking the northern sunlight and basically looking ugly from my place

Has anyone else had this issue and is there any solutions or do I just need to suck it up

Does your council have any solar access rules? I don't know if it makes a whole lotta difference though if you've built so close to the north boundary.
Facade Parapet Moulding

Building A New House

Agree, Riviera from Clarendon looks beautiful. I've seen one with a light-colored bricks and just a bit of molding (in my neighborhood). It's definitely overpriced. I'm…

Retaining wall to garage wall

Building A New House

Thank you again Simeon.. I will call my certifier for that. Have a good day

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