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Building ForumBuilding A New House

Harvest View Estate - Epping

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I went past today too.. So have you started yet?

Not yet still an empty block
I just want to start building n be done with we have all waited for so long

Yeh I know we purchased 2.5 years ago!

Actually it's only 2 years

Same here.... But it's good to see a lot of ppl have started

Are you building with 8homes or Burbank
8 homes you??

Nice! I'm with Henley


The estate will be good once it's all completed and we're in our own little area we can keep a look out for everyone

I'm a bit nervous though coz I'm right across from the freeway so hopefully it won't be too bad

It will be fine
you won't even hear the freeway once your used to it

True.... I don't really hear it much when I go there during the day... Let's hope no hoons come and destroy our roads

Did you know there building units behind you in that vacant block

Yeh we knew that before we purchased.. Will block out some noise

Oh cool ... Yea that will help .....

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