Browse Forums Building A New House 1 Feb 06, 2013 12:41 pm Hi everyone,
So basically like everyone else on this forum, I have been quietly sitting back spending hours upon hours reading other peoples forums, but now is time for me to make my own! I am building with my fiancé on a small 335sqm block in Bassendean. Due to the small size of the block we are obviously building up! We decided to engage Switch Homes to do our build. So far we are pretty happy with them, slightly slow on the admin side of things, but I figure most builders will always have something you can fault! Hopefully the build will be quick once it gets started…. We are now in the scheduling department waiting for it all to start! Once construction is completed we will be sourcing our own carpets, window furnishings, painting etc. We will be getting the same company who is supplying the tiles for our wet areas to continue to same flooring throughout the house. Hoping to get aggregate or liquid limestone as the front driveway and path into portico. My Fiancé plans on doing all the landscaping and other paving etc! I have searched through all the forums and can not find anyone else with a build thread for Switch homes so though I would start one and hopefully other people may join in! Feel free to comment and suggest things etc I will upload the plans for you to have a look thrpugh (they have changed slightly since this though) Here is our block... Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Here is our plans... Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Anyway, Here is all the infotmation etc! (sorry the colours aren't perfect... was taken on my phone!!) Garage Door – Centurion, 3 panel with mini-orb with silver lustre frames Roof, gutters, fascia,downpipes – Colourbond Surfmist Front Door – Slimlite PSLM 202 with translucent glass painted in Taubmans Taupe Grey Internal doors - Corinthian Deco 2 painted in Taubmans Martini External door hardware – 8401 Trilock Angular in satin chrome Internal door hardware – Angular lever handle Appliances – All Westinghouse 60cm. Power – Three phase Insulation – 4.1 Fibreglass batts Render: Whole house – Taubmans “Foxtail”, Feature render – Taubmans “Stone Drab” Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Ensuite 1 Benchtop – Essastone Chrystal Chalk Cupboard – Polytec Amaro (sheen) Floor tiles – Vision Mildura Mocha Matt Wall tiles – Streak Flax Wall Tapware – Caroma track basin mixers Toilet – Stylus Prima Close Coupled Toilet roll holers/towel rings/rails – Caroma Cosmo Series Basin – Caroma Liano semi-recessed Shower – Caroma Track rail shower with overhead rain shower Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Ensuite 2 Benchtop – Essastone Chrystal Chalk Cupboard – Polytec Marina Grey (sheen) Floor tiles - Serendipidy Ivory Lappato Wall tiles – Streak White Wall Tapware – Caroma aqua mixers Toilet roll holers/towel rings/rails – Caroma Cosmo Series Basin – Caroma Liano semi-recessed Shower – Caroma mystic shower with rail Bathroom and Powder room Benchtop – Essastone Chrystal Chalk Cupboard – Polytec Marina Grey (sheen) Floor tiles - Serendipidy Ivory Lappato Wall tiles – Streak White Wall Tapware – Caroma aqua mixers Toilet – Stylus Prima Close Coupled Toilet roll holers/towel rings/rails – Caroma Cosmo Series Basin – Caroma Liano semi-recessed Shower – Caroma mystic shower with rail Kitchen Benchtop – Essastone Chrystal Chalk Overhead Cupboard – Polytec Amaro (sheen) Floor Cupboards - Polytec Marina Grey (sheen) Floor tiles - Serendipidy Ivory Lappato Wall tiles – Streak White Wall Tapware – Caroma aqua mixers Basin – Clark 5908 Riva Double Bowl Sink undermount Laundry Benchtop – Laminex Platinum Micro Natural Finish Overhead Cupboard – Polytec Amaro (sheen) Floor Cupboards - Polytec Marina Grey (sheen) Floor tiles - Serendipidy Ivory Lappato Wall tiles – Streak White Wall Trough – Clark 45L Insert Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ 12/02/12 - Found the block after months of searching! 29/02/12 – Pre-approval for block loan 21/03/12 – Offer accepted for block 11/05/12 – Land Settled 22/05/12 – Initial house design drawn up from Switch 02/07/12 – Signed PPA 24/08/12 – Interior design consultation 05/09/12 – Picked up building contracts 03/10/12 – Clipsal Electrical Consultation 05/10/12 – Unconditional Approval from Bank for construction 08/10/12 – Signed and returned Building contracts 26/10/12 – Pre-start Consultation 07/11/12 – Pre-start Variations received and returned 21/12/12 – Picked up first plans and addenda CHRISTMAS BREAK 14/01/12 – Handed in first corrected plans and addenda 24/01/13 – Picked up second corrected plans and addenda 25/01/13 – Handed in second corrected plans and addenda – Contracts signed! 29/01/13 – Picked up corrected Clipsal Electrical plans 30/01/13 – Handed in corrected Clipsal Electrical plans 30/01/13 – IN SCHEDULING! 07/02/13 - we have a sign!!! 19/02/13 - earthworks/site clear/levelled/compacted (due 22/2/13) 25/02/13- re-peg done 26/03/13 - Slab and footings due to be done today (not done) 01/03/13 - Footings done 03/03/13 - Wooden planks ready for slab 05/03/13 - SLABBED!!! (1 week late) 8/03/13 - termite spray done and window frames delivered 12/03/13 - site scrape and storm water pipes and soak wells done 13/03/13 - bricks delivered! 9/04/13 - Bricking started! 12/04/13 - Bricking completed (4 days?!?! - can you believe it?!) 17/04/13 - Scaffolding erected 23/04/13 - Girders delivered and installed in house, Floortech system delivered 26/04/13 - Floortech system semi-installed 29/04/13 - Floortech system completed 30/04/13 - Stairwell bricked 1/5/13 - Plumbing installed into floortech and stairs marked out 04/5/13 - slab poured 13/5/13 - bricks delivered 21/05/13 - brick work commenced 04/06/13 - brick work almost completed and scaffolding lifted 05/06/13 - roof beams delivered 11/06/13 - roofing timbers started! 14/06/13 - roof beams completed (2 storey) 19/06/13 - Colourbond completed 20/06/13 - air conditioning installed 21/06/13 - electrical chased in and installed (1st floor) 22/06/13 - plumbing chased in and installed (1st floor) 24/06/13 - scaffolding dropped and yellow sand delivered 26/06/13 - internal upstairs grey float completed 30/06/13 - external render coat upstairs completed, upstairs ceilings installed 2/06/13 - glazing upstairs completed, cornices completed upstairs 05/07/13 - eaves painted upstairs 06/07/13 - white set started upstairs 10/07/13 - white set completed 17/7/13 - ceilings and door frames painted 18-19/07/13 - Acrylic render upstairs completed 24/07/13 - scaffolding removed 25/07/13 - roof beams delivered for back section of house 31/07/13 - roof carpenters started 6/08/13 - roof carpenters finished (so slow... Held up by rain!!) 7/08/13 - electricians chased into the walls and wiring began 10/08/13 - plumbing fit out started and completed (downstairs) 12/08/13 - electrician completed first fit out 16/08/13 - upstairs cabinetry installed (alcove and ensuite) 21/08/13 - Colourbond moment (ground floor roof installed) 30/8/13 - Plumbing finished 30/8/13 - Internal render started and finished (one day!!) 31/8/13 - Partial External Render started (held up by rain) 02/09/13 - Ceilings started 03/09/13 - Ceilings finished 04/09/13 - Cornices started and completed 05/09/13 - White Set Completed (whole house one day) 13/09/13 - bath delivered, doors delivered, door handles etc delivered 16/09/13 - Tile delivery, plumbing installed (floor wastes), windows installed 17/09/13 - Downstairs cabinets installed aaaaannnndddd.........LOCKED OUT!!!!! 18/09/13 - boundary wall and plantar box bricked (not done through switch), doors began to be hung 19/09/13 - Tiling meeting, meeting with site supervisor, pizza oven base bricked (not done through switch), door hanging completed, ceilings painted 19-20/09/13 - tiler did screening and waterproofing 21/09/13 - rendered boundary walls (not done through switch) 27/09/13 - this photograph was taken through a window of the tilings (best I can do at this stage!!), site scrape ad clean (finally!!) ~08/10/13 - stone bench tops and sinks installed 15/10/13 - grano done 20/10/13 - tiling finally finished!! Only took him 4 weeks to do 4 wet areas!!!! Grr!! 22/10/13 - internal door frames painted 24/10/13 to 2/11/13 - acrylic render started and completed 30/10/13 - towel rails, rings,soap dishes installed 01/11/13 - mirrors and shower screens installed 01/11/13 - plumber installed toilet bowls 01/11/13 - electriciaon doing 2nd fit out (wrong faceplates installed), oven installed, wrong hot water system delivered Re: Switch Homes double/two story build in Bassendean- sign! 2Feb 07, 2013 10:33 pm Our lovely neighbours informed us today that we now have a sign!!! Yay! It's all starting to happen!!! Re: Switch Homes double/two story build in Bassendean 3Feb 07, 2013 11:15 pm Hi KiirstyMatt, your plan looks great wish you the best of luck with Switch homes hopefully they are on the ball now. We had a bit of a negative build with them we think only because they were just starting out and didn't at that time have people and trades and s's' in place we had a couple of issues which I won't go into but will say there house designs are fabulous. We sold our home 18mths after build and did come out very well first people bought the house straight after listed. We only sold due to relocating to country for family reasons. Your plan looks great and your choices look really good best of luck will follow your build guys with anticipation. Kazza Re: Switch Homes double/two story build in Bassendean 4Feb 07, 2013 11:55 pm Your plans looks great! We have a similar sized block but budget means single story, so will be a compact house! Love the selections! Look forward to seeing them on the house ![]() Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build in Bassendean 5Feb 08, 2013 1:00 pm love the passage garage - ldry-ptry-kitchen ![]() Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build in Bassendean 8Feb 08, 2013 4:09 pm ![]() love the passage garage - ldry-ptry-kitchen ![]() I love it too.... A very functional plan! Can't wait to see it being built! Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build in Bassendean 9Feb 13, 2013 11:09 pm Just an update - we were informed today that site work commence next Friday the 22nd February! exciting! Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build in Bassendean 10Feb 14, 2013 5:19 am congrats on the starting of site works Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build in Bassendean 11Feb 14, 2013 12:22 pm Hi there. We are building with them too!! We are the opposite to you and are building the big Wandi display home on one acre so we are all spread out lol. We have a second ensuite too. I love the idea of a bathroom just for guests. And a lot of your choices are similar to ours. Did Brian help you go through tiles etc? We have some of the same sinks and we did have the Caroma Tracks tapwear but just decided to change to the Dorf Kytin throughout with the Virtu Circit accessories. So far we have been pretty happy with things. Good luck!! Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build Bassendean-earthwor 12Feb 19, 2013 10:49 pm Hi everyone, we have started earthworks today! Was a bit of a surprise because we were expecting things to start on Friday 22nd February as that's what date we were told but they have started earlier! Yay anyway! Here are the mandatory pictures! Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Hopefully will be able to post other things again soon!! Haha Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build Bassendean- slab 2m 14Feb 26, 2013 11:01 pm Boo! No slab or fittings done today as we were expecting/told! Fingers crossed it happens sometime this week! Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build Bassendean- slab 2m 15Feb 26, 2013 11:35 pm You win some you lose some. Welcome to the joys of building. It's all full steam ahead real soon. ![]() Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build Bassendean- slab 2m 16Feb 27, 2013 10:57 pm We are also building with Switch, a 2 storey house in Hillary's. We purchased the land in November, the plans were submitted to council mid December (don't know how they are getting on). We've done our tile selection with Brian a few weeks ago which was reasonably straight forward. The pre-start and electrical meeting is on the 14th March. How was the prestart? There are lots of things we want to upgrade such as frameless shower screens, internal doors. Do they give you a rough idea of price at the meeting? Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build Bassendean- SLABBED 18Mar 05, 2013 9:42 pm Ok everyone.... we have been footed and slabbed! Here are the pictures! This is the footings being done during the day (Friday 1/3/13)... Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Footings finished... Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Wooden planks ready for slab (Done Sunday 3/3/13)... Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ SLAB!! (Completed on Tuesday 5/3/13) Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ from back corner... Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Picture from our wonderful neighbour showing concrete pump in action pouring concrete today! Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Hopefully bricks will not be to much longer?! I think today was a good day to get a slab poured... low temps (28-30 degrees) and overcast most of the day ![]() So happy... conSLABulations to me! hahaha Re: Switch Homes double/two storey build Bassendean- slab 2m 19Mar 05, 2013 9:52 pm ![]() We are also building with Switch, a 2 storey house in Hillary's. We purchased the land in November, the plans were submitted to council mid December (don't know how they are getting on). We've done our tile selection with Brian a few weeks ago which was reasonably straight forward. The pre-start and electrical meeting is on the 14th March. How was the prestart? There are lots of things we want to upgrade such as frameless shower screens, internal doors. Do they give you a rough idea of price at the meeting? Pre-start is pretty straight forward too... perhaps have a browse on the internet and at some display homes to get an idea of what you like and what style you like. I personally found the tile/colour selection by far the hardest! We had a lady who was pretty new to the job so she wasn't 100% certain about how much things cost... but what you can do is get her to add it in to be costed and then when you get the variations back just cross out the things you don't want (e.g. we got costs for frameless and semi-frameless showers and decided to go with the semi etc) ![]() Hi there. We are building with them too!! We are the opposite to you and are building the big Wandi display home on one acre so we are all spread out lol. We have a second ensuite too. I love the idea of a bathroom just for guests. And a lot of your choices are similar to ours. Did Brian help you go through tiles etc? We have some of the same sinks and we did have the Caroma Tracks tapwear but just decided to change to the Dorf Kytin throughout with the Virtu Circit accessories. So far we have been pretty happy with things. Good luck!! Hi kittyranch! wow one acre... huge! haha much bigger than ours! Second ensure is a good idea... i figure if we are still living in this house when we are 80 and can't get up stairs anymore we will be able to still live in the house! Brian was our designer when we did the colour selections... he was great! We really appreciated his help! My fiancé and I had an idea of what we wanted but he helps to help you make right decisions and gives advise with colours and things that you aren't sure about! Good luck with the build!! ![]() ![]() congrats on the starting of site works THANKS!! ![]() We are building over a main (100mm, 2m deep and concrete encased) - unfortunately in our case the SM was a late find post settlement (grrr) We have a DA and just… 2 21760 3 14930 Building Standards; Getting It Right! Hi there, We have recently built a double storey house by Coral Homes, it is a steel frame house. When someone walks upstairs it cracks with every step and it is very… 0 12346 |