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We hit rock :-(

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Hi everyone
we are building in Highlands Craigieburn and have about 20 cubic metres of rock to be removed. Builder can do it, but thought it may have been cheaper to do it ourselves.
Anybody have a recommendation for a rock removal company?
Rock has been excavated, its in a big pile.
Get in touch with me, if you're okay we (mountain bike club) might like to take it.
I'd just have to organise someone to cart it - but if it's the actual disposal they want to charge you for (cartgate is cheap, it's disposal that's expensive), then let's work something out.

Also, can I ask where in Highlands you are? (I'm hoping they don't hit rock on my block)
Sorry Tim,
I just saw this message.
We are in Silvergum Way, which is near where the display village is, along the creek.
Yes damn rock, we decided not to fix our site costs based on soil report, however I think we will still come out of it cheaper.
Happy to give you the rock!
Will let you know a bit more once I know something from the builder.
is the main expoense of finding rock pulling it out or taking it away. Im just thinking that if we hit rock, i wouldnt mind keeping it..
If the builder hits rock then it can be a bit of both depending on if it's individual large bounders that need to be moved or a slab of sub surface rock that needs to be broken up so your footings can be dug out (and perhaps pier holes excavated).

Rock breaking contractors aren't cheap and generally speaking you're not going to be left with much that's useful after they are done if it is a large slab that needs to be broken up or pier holes need to be excavated through rock, so it might all need to be hauled away and disposed of (so it's a triple whammy really - rock breaking + haulage + tipping fees).
From our experience, our builders fees are $200 per cubic metre for removal of rock from ground and $75 per cubic metre to take it to tip.
I have found a private contract who can remove for $80 per hour (rock) from site and he advises that it is free to take it to most recycling places. So all up it might costs us $500 for removal off site rather than the builders $1125.
So in summary, the expensive bit for us was getting it out of the ground.
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