I'm a really bland person too when it comes to tiles/paint/floor etc.
I would rather dress it up with furniture and homewares - then you can change your mind as often as you like!
It's looking great!
Browse Forums Building A New House Re: My turn: the progress (updated pics 20080507) 88May 24, 2008 7:34 pm Have been visiting the house for the last two days. Due to the delay in the governmetn inspection, handover is still on the original date, next friday. Today i took a few photos.
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Also love the brick colour. I nearly went something similar, and although I do like what we chose I almost wish we had gone the dark red brick. Oh well ![]() Re: My turn: the progress (updated pics 20080507) 91May 24, 2008 9:14 pm oznow,
I catched up with the reading of your posts... just realised that I haven't been receiving notification anymore, that's why I wasn't able to visit it during the last few weeks... lots of progress and I all I can say is that the colours are safe and very nice! you won't have a hard time choosing the colours for your furnishings! must be very exciting for you to see those progress! and yep, I agree that you do have lots of cupboards.. lots of space in your kitchen! love it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built the Nevada 42 Next project - landscaping! Re: My turn: the progress (updated pics 20080507) 92May 24, 2008 11:21 pm Looking good oznow!
Noticed you got colour bond down pipes at the front and PVC ones at the back, is your builder going to paint those PVC ones? Also, that mesh/vent thing next to/under the alarm control panel, is that for air con? If it's for air con, all the houses I seen in Sydney always put that on the ceiling, yours is on the wall, looks quite interesting. Re: My turn: the progress (updated pics 20080507) 93May 25, 2008 9:11 am Thanks all
-southies, the current location is temporary. the builder said that it will wait until the floor tiling is finish -ahuang, the vent is for the air returning (?) might be for the heating. we dont have aircon (but evaporative cooling). So far i have notices a few other issues: -chipped cupboard edge in two places -holes/imperfect window sills -unpainted rain pipe -cement/concrete lump in a few places -location of powerpoint under the sink Re: My turn: the progress (updated pics 20080507) 94Jun 17, 2008 4:04 pm As you might have guessed, yes we moved in two weeks ago, and have been busy furnishing the house. No pictures so far.. no internet connection.
here some update -The house was handed over in a clean condition. Windows is almost do specks!!! -The builder exchanged the lower/cheaper quality ducted vacuum to one that near to my specification. i am satisfied, although not exactly what i wanted -the builder fixed the painting and sills/mortar, and other problems. except that there is no broom space in the laundry cupboard (just realised that myself). Will talk to the builder... -the only thing that bothering me is the soil just outside the ENS seems to be wet all the time, while the other places dry.... i have asked the builder to take a look -have not testing the spa bath. too busy ![]() *have spent about $700 for a sparky on some electrical installation. 5 ceiling speakers 2 double powerpoints 1 floodlight 1 light censor 1 wired doorbell 1 external wall light *spend about 180 for a plumber to Install the water purifier and hooked up the dishwasher. will update when we have the internet... Re: My turn: the progress (updated pics 20080507) 96Jun 17, 2008 5:18 pm Fantastic news Oznow - glad to hear that they fixed the areas of concern .
We want lots of pics of your lovely new home ![]() Dana -------------------------- Building with DFH - carpet installed! Hi, looking at house plans and not all of them have any mention of a driveway or even air con. So, is the 'from' price just the house in those cases? Can a house be built… 0 22710 ![]() If it was just dripping id say washer, had a fare share of these done by plumbers being a property manager.. but if its going full blast, it could be a little more with… 1 11197 |