Last week myself and the wife went to an opening at The Eyrie park in Laurimar. The kids had fun winning prizes and playing around at the new park, and we got talking. Well fast forward a week and we have just signed up for a 719m2 block on top of the hill. It's so close to the shops and schools, is on a one way street with a park dividing the houses on either side and a stone's throw from the new park on the top of the hill, and the football ovals at the bottom of the street. Call it an impulse buy

The block has a 3 metre fall over it, which I love as it lets me get the creative juices flowing

I've been tinkering with some plans for the new block, so I'll post those shortly in their developmental stage before they get sent to a draftsperson. It was a bit trickier designing this house than the old one as I had to get everything working with the levels, as the block slopes both left to right, and front to back.
So here I go again !