Browse Forums Building A New House Re: Porter Davis homes 11805Aug 28, 2015 9:22 pm ------------------------------------------- Build Thread - Mainvue Emporio ER430 KDR Re: Porter Davis homes 11807Aug 28, 2015 10:37 pm ![]() FYI, I've been told by our Porter Davis sales consultant that they are saying no to a lot of changes now even if they have been done in the past. For example, we asked for under stairs storage (we are considering the Hoffman) but they've told us no. It's quite disappointing because we were really ready to go with them until they said that. We are now reconsidering what to do. Check out Henley. We ditched pd last minute. We are now building with Henley. There's very little that you need to upgrade, everything is included. And there's lots to choose from at their selection centre. Re: Porter Davis homes 11808Aug 29, 2015 9:14 am ![]() if you trust pd and bss with their own inspections your a fool, they work for the builder not you +1 Re: Porter Davis homes 11809Aug 29, 2015 9:18 am The word 'independent' is very questionable. Isn't it a different branch of the same owning company? Build blog - Re: Porter Davis homes 11810Aug 29, 2015 9:18 am We build with Henley back in 2000 needless to say we sold it 11 months later . So doubt they are any better than pd nowadays and after reading that Henley blog a couple months ago with all the defects I wouldn't personally touch them Re: Porter Davis homes 11811Aug 29, 2015 10:04 am ![]() We build with Henley back in 2000 needless to say we sold it 11 months later . So doubt they are any better than pd nowadays and after reading that Henley blog a couple months ago with all the defects I wouldn't personally touch them I know the one you're talking about. Makes our build look like a breeze. Re: Porter Davis homes 11812Aug 29, 2015 9:36 pm Has anyone had the opportunity its to witness a Porter Davis internal inspection (as they tell us they exist) or read the inspection report? Re: Porter Davis homes 11813Aug 30, 2015 2:08 am ![]() We build with Henley back in 2000 needless to say we sold it 11 months later . So doubt they are any better than pd nowadays and after reading that Henley blog a couple months ago with all the defects I wouldn't personally touch them Hey deefeez, I think it depends on the actual trades you get nowadays as to the quality of the build. We built with Metricon 10 years ago but wouldn't build with them again for various reasons. I think I know the blog you are talking about. I always thought not very highly of Henley but they have changed a fair bit in 15 years, their reputation has definitely improved and their houses not what I expected when I first walked into their displays. I think Carlisle currently have the best reputation with quality out of the volume builders. We had a great build process with MainVue/Henley after cancelling our PD contract. We moved in on Thursday and are really happy with our home. We found a layout that suits us perfectly,. There have been a few little issues on the way which is pretty normal. There have been nightmare builds with PD and other builders as well where houses have to be pulled down and started all over again. So I think my message to others just starting the process is to not let one bad build sway you from whatever builder you are planning to build with. Still do your research but it is more finding the design you like in the price range you want IMO, and always make sure you get an independent inspector. ![]() sassid ...building the Emporio with MainVue/Henley BLOG: HOMEONE THREAD : Re: Porter Davis homes 11815Aug 30, 2015 1:01 pm Well I was aware the processes and procedures at PD could do with improvement but what has happened to us is unbelievable. After starting our build in June all is going well. Bricking started last week and so far so good. We had a plumbing issue with the toilets not being connected to the water tank to flush them. I emailed my BC in Monday and heard back from her Thursday about it. That issue was sorted with her asking if we had signed any construction drawings, which we have not, so she mentioned she would email these through as well as a variation clarifying the water tank issue. At 4.15 on Friday afternoon I receive a variation totalling $4,300 regarding, in summary, increased height of slab to house by 10mm, additional fill and piers, shoring of trenches for retaining wall and increased retaining wall height! You can imagine how happy I was to receive this. Are they kidding! So of course the first thing I do is measure the new step down height to garage, porch and alfresco. The height of the slab had NOT been increased and the step downs were closer to original heights than the variation height. So they are charging me for something that hasn't even been done! Unbelievable. Needless to say I have emailed my BC and the directors of PD asking for proof by way of invoices that what they are charging me for has actually happened. Other than the retaining wall height I have no idea if any if the other things have even been done! How am I supposed to check if they don't even tell me it's happening! How am I liable to pay for something I didn't give approval for! Has this happened to anyone else???? Re: Porter Davis homes 11816Aug 30, 2015 1:51 pm I believe you have to sign off on a variation "before" it's done otherwise I wouldn't be inclined to pay it. Location - Geelong Land Purchased - Yep Builder - PD Model - Plaza Options - PWC signed - Colour App- Electrical- Build start date - Progress... Re: Porter Davis homes 11817Aug 30, 2015 4:53 pm You should sign a variation before they do anything, i know i signed off one variation for the drawing update (was a nil cost piece) and then would sign a 2nd for the actual cost to make the change after the design was agreed. One thing i found with PD, they do not have revision control of drawings and have no idea what they submitted to who. 1) Contract drawings 2) Construction drawings, undocumented changes which reverted back to an early version pre contract and some other ??? what the changes. 3) Town planning drawings, matched neither of the above 4) Developer drawings, didnt match above either Total mess to sort that out, if you signed the contract and they want to 'reduce' what they are giving you. Tell them to no and deliver to the contract, no matter if they say its town planners/developers its because they don't want to spend the $ to go back to fix it up. I think i still paid for a couple of minor things as variations that were already approved by town planning but overall we got what we asked for at contract. Another thing i would note, they are very slow at replying. So until they reply with clarifications/answers/dates to fix items i am just as slow to sign invoices - just note not paying until these items are correct or a signed off plan to fix is given to me. That all sounds negative i am sure, but overall its not been a negative experience so far, just a little frustrating/time wasting when it need not have been. Would i recommend them, we will see once we get into the detailed parts how the quality goes. And pay the $500 for an inspector at each stage, worth every $ for piece of mind even if they dont find much needing correction. cheers, Taffy Re: Porter Davis homes 11818Aug 30, 2015 6:58 pm ![]() ![]() We build with Henley back in 2000 needless to say we sold it 11 months later . So doubt they are any better than pd nowadays and after reading that Henley blog a couple months ago with all the defects I wouldn't personally touch them Hey deefeez, I think it depends on the actual trades you get nowadays as to the quality of the build. We built with Metricon 10 years ago but wouldn't build with them again for various reasons. I think I know the blog you are talking about. I always thought not very highly of Henley but they have changed a fair bit in 15 years, their reputation has definitely improved and their houses not what I expected when I first walked into their displays. I think Carlisle currently have the best reputation with quality out of the volume builders. We had a great build process with MainVue/Henley after cancelling our PD contract. We moved in on Thursday and are really happy with our home. We found a layout that suits us perfectly,. There have been a few little issues on the way which is pretty normal. There have been nightmare builds with PD and other builders as well where houses have to be pulled down and started all over again. So I think my message to others just starting the process is to not let one bad build sway you from whatever builder you are planning to build with. Still do your research but it is more finding the design you like in the price range you want IMO, and always make sure you get an independent inspector. ![]() haha all good i would not build with pd again still currently getting hand over items fixed . 3 month inspection in 2 weeks then we are done.the stress and bull$#it from this build is not worth it at all, just bought another new property for investment and im more excited buying that than this place,pd sure took that shine away from us.but in the end we have a home that we expected at the end of the day Re: Porter Davis homes 11819Aug 30, 2015 7:47 pm ![]() ![]() We build with Henley back in 2000 needless to say we sold it 11 months later . So doubt they are any better than pd nowadays and after reading that Henley blog a couple months ago with all the defects I wouldn't personally touch them Hey deefeez, I think it depends on the actual trades you get nowadays as to the quality of the build. We built with Metricon 10 years ago but wouldn't build with them again for various reasons. I think I know the blog you are talking about. I always thought not very highly of Henley but they have changed a fair bit in 15 years, their reputation has definitely improved and their houses not what I expected when I first walked into their displays. I think Carlisle currently have the best reputation with quality out of the volume builders. The ex-wife tried building with them. In her words: They got too big too fast, and would not give us a final contract price until 2-3 days before the bank was expected to approve. They junked Carlisle and went to Orbit. ![]() We had a great build process with MainVue/Henley after cancelling our PD contract. We moved in on Thursday and are really happy with our home. We found a layout that suits us perfectly,. There have been a few little issues on the way which is pretty normal. There have been nightmare builds with PD and other builders as well where houses have to be pulled down and started all over again. So I think my message to others just starting the process is to not let one bad build sway you from whatever builder you are planning to build with. Still do your research but it is more finding the design you like in the price range you want IMO, and always make sure you get an independent inspector. ![]() Here here! Do your research!!! I have a good relationship with my SS. He has said two things to me. "I wish all of my clients were like you" and "I'm proud of your house". I could not wish to hear more. I spoke to my BC (that I rarely hear from, but that is because I don't need too), and I told her "that I'm almost worried about that fact that I'm not worried!" She told me that it is because we did our research and have not changed our minds mid build. She had one client who had changed her mind over 20 times (!) and said to her "I can't remember what I've asked for!". We also heard from the staff at WoS, where they were building a 48+ sq home and arrived for their appointments without ever having visited before. They got frustrated and turned their anger on the staff there. Whose fault is that? Not the staff, that is for sure. So, do your research. Work out what you want. Stick to it. Personally, I'm getting pretty annoyed at some of the negativity here. The accusations and mistrust only breed more accusations, mistrust and misery. Get yourself a decent inspector (who works for you), I have positive experiences with Darbecca, and let everyone do their job. Sure, inspect yourself and be involved, but don't assume that a mistake is deliberate and that everyone is "out to rip you off". I've lived through a builder going bankrupt mid build, which I can assure you is far worse than even having to have bits of your house pulled down and redone. Imaging finding a new build to (re)start the build process... -Chris Re: Porter Davis homes 11820Aug 30, 2015 7:50 pm ![]() Just on the topic of getting your own private inspections done to the build. How does the independant inspections (BSS) fit into this, after all aren't they supposed to be independent and shouldn't they provide all the reports etc that a a privately paid inspector should? The slightly more tactful expression "don't bite the hand that feeds you" comes to mind. Get your own. Hi there! Putting the feelers out there for those who have (or almost) built with Arli homes! Interested in your experiences who've built from their stock home designs… 0 95211 Hi Everyone, I am exploring builder in NSW and received a very tempting quote from Wisdom home for their momentum series. I just want to know experience of building… 0 22955 Hi, If you give a set of criteria as to what means 'good' to you, it'll give others prompts to respond. We considered Henley early on but there were two factors that… 1 24985 |