Gah, I feel your frustrations! It's so tricky to weigh up everyone's pro's and con's.
We put deposit down with PD, but pulled out after first hopetoun visit due to lack of upgrade options. Having built with Simonds 5 years ago I can tell you their selection centre is miles ahead of pd's! Maybe see if you can get a appt there to check t out and to be sure they have all you want?
I have an appointment next Saturday at 10am.
This for me i think its whats going to be the deciding factor Hopetoun tarnished the shine I had with PD but I still love the house.
And omg yes once you add the in laws and even my banker has an opinion and it seems noone is on my side but my wife has said she could live in a box so ultimately i need to be happy so its all coming down to me and what I want. Right now Im still with PD but I don't want to disappoint anyone and I want to make an adult decision so i'm just weighing in with everything slowly. I don't want to be rushed and its not like the land is going to walk away lol.
When did you pull out was this recently?? Hopetoun is appalling. I think the most amazing one I have seen to date is Big M's now they know how to pull you in with a display. I found myself wanting to upgrade my friends house for her just because they looked so darn good.
WOW! I could have written this myself! My husband couldn't care less what the house looks like, they're all the same to him

And yes, was just a few weeks ago that I pulled out, totally deflated after hopetoun visit, and giving SC 2 weeks to work through my concerns (lack of upgrade options for lifestyle clients even though items are in lifestyle displays)
But yes, seeing th incredible displays PD has, I had such high hopes for hopetoun

I'm now a Carlile customer, and very happy

My wife has certain things that are important to her.... like a theater and suitable handles but yes the rest is all up to me. And thing is as I am much younger than her all be it much more mature I have the added pressure of people like the in laws finally having their moment where they can use my age against me if I don't make the correct decision that can be backed up with evidence and not just emotion.
You know how i feel about restrictions project builder or not i'd never say no to more money. I'm actually thinking about doing some design work to maximize what you can get out of project builders. I usually do 3D mockups for mates of their houses when they build so they can do a virtual walk through and place furniture and its quite hard working with project builders because they are so secretive about everything. The mate who did the Big M house had to wait until colors to get sizes for cupboards so we couldnt mock up her kitchen until after. With Hopetoun it was similar. no measurements ect. I'm hoping Simonds is more forthcoming. I've spent the last 3 days mocking up the house and I need measurements of what I have to work with in the kitchen.