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Elevation and shadow cast drawing - please explain!

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Here is another thread in the line of Aussie_Chik's "sewer peg out - please explain". We too had our tender presentation. We did not get hit by a sewer peg out charge but have surprise additional cost of $675 for an elevation drawing and shadow cast on adjoining property!

I would think such drawing is always required for the council and so would be included in the base price!? (as the other reports and drawing to be done for the council)

Anyone has explanation or similar unexpected added cost?

Elevations should be included.. a shadow cast one, maybe not. Maybe your council has special requirements.
Elevations are always required, they are an essential part of the working drawings and are required by council to get your building licence.
The overshadow detail is required in WA (not sure about other states) when you submit for planning approval, so once again I would've expected these to be supplied as part of any normal building drawings. It does require a site survey as the adjoining properties need to be shown on the plan so the shadow and any other impact on neighbours can acurately be assessed. Once again though a site survey is always required although often charged seperately.
The only thing that is a bit of an unknown when getting drawings done is the engineering, as this can vary due to any number of things.
Please explain - engineers?

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Thanks. I wish there was a youtube video explaining this concept.

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