Browse Forums Building A New House 1 Aug 26, 2007 6:19 pm Hello everyone,
We are after some opinions & ideas for our internal colour scheme. At the moment our only locked-in colour is Merino (Colorbond Paperbark) for window & door frames! The living areas will have timber floors - probably Sydney Blue Gum. In terms of paint colour I like the American look of beige/tan walls and off-white trim. To stick within budget we are trying to do our builder's standard of one wall colour throughout the entire house. We plan to paint one or two feature walls ourselves (murano red & olive green!). I like Wattyl's Turkish Bread but am afraid that it may be too dark to use in our hallways and bedrooms. Other beiges & neutral colours often look either too pink, yellow or grey. Any suggestions? For the kitchen benchtop we have agreed on Wilsonart Kalahari Topaz, with antique white doors (too cold?). In the bathroom we are considering using Wilsonart Tan Echo for the benchtop, again with antique white. ... ge/520.jpg Any suggestions for other colours that would look great with this? Has anyone here used Tan Echo for a bathroom benchtop? I have been agonising over colours for so long - think I need some help! Thanks, Lyn Re: Colours - Kitchen, Bathroom & Walls!!! 2Aug 26, 2007 6:38 pm Hi Lyn
My friend has just renovated a place and and painted the walls in Wattyl Turkish Bread - it looks fantastic! It is a really nice warm colour - not too dark in my opinion! She has teamed it up with white window frames, trims & ceilings and white venetian blinds and splashed in some red accessories! Good luck with it all Nat Re: Colours - Kitchen, Bathroom & Walls!!! 3Aug 26, 2007 7:43 pm Thanks Nat, that is very reassuring.
Did your friend paint bedrooms/smaller rooms in Turkish Bread as well? I have only seen it used on single feature walls in display homes, not a full house so it is hard to visualise how it may look in a south facing bedroom (no stress at all about using it in our large north/east living area) Thanks, Lyn Re: Colours - Kitchen, Bathroom & Walls!!! 5Aug 26, 2007 10:01 pm Yes Adrian it's a very yummy colour!!!! ![]() Lyn - they haven't renovated the minor bedrooms yet so they haven't been painted....although they have done a smallish games room which is tucked away from the main living area and it looks great! If you are worried about it being too dark in the smaller rooms you could always paint it at 50% strength in these rooms so you still get the continuity in colour! colors 6Aug 26, 2007 11:58 pm lyn i have gone for wattyl chalk beigh as the main interior color for my house goes nice with greens and reds saw the color in the display house which i have chosen to build .very nice color.also have feature walls in the rumpus( wattyl vanilla persimmon,) master ( tribal mask ..thinking of changing) ,and wild fig which is a olive green color for a lounge feature wall. i have also chosen paper bark for my down pipes and gutters with woodlend grey for the window frames and garage panelift door Hello, I live in a brick veneer house built in the late 1960's/early 1970's so I'm aware it has asbestos in certain areas: eaves and laundry. However the bathroom has… 0 7687 Thanks and agreed, I was initially very suspicious that the tenant had caused this. The only thing that's throwing me is I'm getting similar cracking in the bathroom and… 4 10932 I might be misunderstanding.... but I would be more inclined to cut a section out from the cinder block wall and place the cistern in the cinder block wall. Very messy job… 1 14753 |