Let me start by giving you a history of my fencing Drama's (I promise Il try and keep it as brief as I can)

My house is approx 4 weeks away from handover and I am needing my two side fences up asap as I have 2 little dogs and out door furniture that needs securing!
Two months ago we arranged for the fencing company that has been doing most of the homes in our estate to send quotes to both neighbours. They were both supposed to reply within 28 days & pay their deposits.
Approx 3 weeks ago I followed up with the fencer to see if everything was sorted and she said that neither of them had bothered to reply back. She then rang each of them and this is where the drama begins.
The right hand side neighbour who hadn't even started building yet was demanding a requote because one day in the future when her house is actually done the garage wall will be 150mm away from the boundary and she refuses to pay for a fence that she plans to tear down!
Fair enough you would think had their already been a garage wall there that we could just fence around. I then wouldn't have an issue with it but as it turns out if we have to go with what she wants then my property is unsecure for the next 6month + and anyone is welcome to help themselves to the BBq and furniture

This neighbour has two little dogs herself as we once met when land settled and she actually seemed quite nice!
The latest Iv heard from this one was about 2.5weeks ago when she told the fencer that he can just fence up the whole lot because she doesn't want to cause anymore problems.
Since then her builder has doen the first site scrape and nothing else for the last two weeks. The fencer has not yet receieved her signed paper work or any deposit and they have been trying to reach her with no luck!
So im thinking she is now just trying to stall with the hope of getting out of the fencing for that side

But Im special, while most people may have one difficult neighbour to contend with I was graced with not one but two of them.
The left hand side said she refused to sign and pay anything untill her concrete goes in as she didn't want a fence up before that, she estimates this will be about 3weeks away.
Her house is about 4weeks behind mine so if there was to be a delay here than atleast its not that long but that still means a month or so of not being able to put anything in the yard.
The fencer then rang her and said that by law I have a right to be secure and offered to let her pay the deposit at a later stage but atleast sign the paper asap so we can get things moving and book in a date for it to be done approx in 3-4weeks time which should also hopefully mean that her concrete is complete by then. She firstly agreed to this and then rang the fencer the next day and said she had changed her mind and will not be signing anything or paying any deposits untill her concrete is complete

That was also about 3weeks ago. Yesterday I received a letter from this neighbour that she had also sent to the fencing company stating that she will be engaging her own fencing contractor to complete the fencing on her property as the job done on our back fences was poor with poor materials used. (Our back fences were done back in October as the people behind us had moved in back then).
She wrote down her mobile number on the letter to call her if I had any queries. So I did, I pretty much just explained our urgency in needing a fence and that if we still had a while to go I wouldn't be in such a hurry but under the circumstances........
She seemed to understand and arranged for the fencing company she wants to use to send us a quote asap.
I spoke to her late Tuesday evening and I received the quote today. Price wise its the same so definately no issues there but the quote is pretty much hand written with no ABN listed.
I tried a google search of the business name and couldn't even find anything on on the asic website or tru local etc.
Sorry about the essay but I needed to give a good explanation of the situation

*Does anyone think this quote might be a bit dodgie?
*Do you think that its strange that I only spoke to her Tuesday evening and in this time the fencer managed to send my neighbour the quote and then my neighbour sent a copy to me in the mail? For me to have received it today means that it was sent yesterday, which Im thinking means that she must know the fencer to have had the quote the very next day.
*Could it be a mate that's doing it and her not being charged that amount but still charging me?
*They did provide bank details to transfer the deposit to but this still leaves the ball in her court now and she can arrange the fence be done whenever she wants it done as she has engaged the fencer.
*Would you just transfer the funds across or try to do a little more homework on the fencing mob?
* What are my rights here in both these situations? Council wont get involved, the dispute team that council gave me the number to dont get involved and dont know what the law is!
I cant seem to find out anything unless I seek legal advice but I dont want to go down that path and create waves before we even move in!
Again, sorry for the essay and gold stars go to whoever could be bothered to read through all this