Browse Forums Building A New House 1 Jan 07, 2010 11:35 am AVAST me shipmates!!! I see a new home on the horizon? Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA Ahh the joys of new home building. We swore to each other we would never do it again. EVER!!! And that was just the first time (sigh). Second time around and we built near the coast. The “fun” of helping husband, waist deep in sand, dig the soak wells whilst the ocean “breeze” whipped the sand into a skin-stripping frenzy, is a memory I will not be cherishing. With another move required, we agreed that we would NEVER EVER ON PAIN OF DEATH build a new home again, and bought a five year old house in a nice suburb. Oh joy, no SAND. There was paving and grass when we moved in – it was so relaxing!! So what happened, you ask yourself? Well, we fell in love. With a block. (Eeesh am I serious? Yep) Blocks are funny things – they don’t show much emotion, but somehow we just knew that this block was for us, and it loved us too, and we could be very happy together. It had been an accidental meeting – we were cutting through some new suburbs to find a quick route home when we saw it, stopped the car and rushed over. I think it might have responded to the “Wow!!!!”’s and “Awesome!!!”’s and “Isn’t it beautiful???”’s that were our initial reaction. We immediately felt comfortable in it’s presence and decided to buy it on the spot as it was the most beautiful block we had ever seen (oh and did I mention it was 15 min from where husband worked? No?). A few weeks later we had the block purchased and at the same time had finance pre-approved for a build. After a false start we settled on building the Luxxe with Summit homes in Perth’s Northern suburbs. I have been cruising these threads and pages for a couple of months now, and felt it was time to put our experiences out there to share with others, and to get help and advice from the homeone community. My first question is: anyone else building with Summit? Couldn’t spot anyone when I did a search a couple of months ago. Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 2Jan 07, 2010 11:44 am Welcome! I think there are a couple of Summit builders here (candylea is one!!) Can you post a pic of your plan for us to gander at? ![]() I am another who fell in love with their block... ![]() ![]() ![]() viewtopic.php?f=31&t=22766 - my build thread! Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Chuck Norris. Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 3Jan 07, 2010 12:57 pm Hahaha I love your post 2good4me :p YARRRR!! Blocks are indeed funny things, I felt a strange love of my own when we went and saw it for the first time. We took loads of pictures, and returned home in a happy cloud of thoughts for the future. When we got home, we noticed that the power dome was on the wrong side, and the council tree was RIGHT WHERE OUR DRIVEWAY WAS GOING TO BE! After freaking out and hating the council for messing things up big time, I rang my sister to have a whinge, whereupon my less-excitable hubby pointed out that the block that we were looking at was in fact our next door neighbours ![]() Yes, we were looking at the wrong block. In all of the dozens of pictures I took, there are a few that show OUR block by accident ![]() Oh back on topic - sorry I haven't got any information on Summit ![]() Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 4Jan 07, 2010 3:16 pm Brilliant first post. Hope you will post some piccies of your "beautiful" block so we too can admire it. Did you make many changes to your plan? Have you done your colour selections yet? we'd all love it if you'd post some details etc for us to admire. We've recently moved into our 2nd build ( July) and are living with loads of sand, rock etc. amazing what you do sometimes when you really swore you'd never do it again. ![]() Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 5Jan 07, 2010 3:17 pm Hello and welcome to the forum ![]() I am building with New Generation (summit) plus I also work there ![]() ![]() Did you make any variations to the plan? Pop a pic up of what it looks like and your block.. we all love pics ![]() Any questions just ask . Can't wait to see your selections and progress. Built with New Generation (Summit Homes) We own land!... with a slab on it! Plus a shell of a house ![]() ![]() Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 6Jan 07, 2010 4:18 pm Hey guys thanks for the support!!! I had no idea there would be posts on the tread so quickly!!! In a rush today (parents 60th wedding anniversary) so will post more pics tomorrow, but here is a pic of our dearly beloved block lol: Uh well I was going to upload it but I've got the following message "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached." and I havn't got time today to fiddle (but it was only 35k jpeg, honest gov). Will do what I can tomoz early - got to beat that quota! Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 7Jan 07, 2010 4:35 pm If you have a Facebook account then let it do the work for you ![]() (yarrrrrr!) Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 8Jan 07, 2010 4:44 pm hi and welcome. Yes that post attachment thingo does not work. You will have to use a photo hosting site like photobucket etc and then use the img tags. Congrats on dream block Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 9Jan 07, 2010 6:58 pm Oh The Luxxe is a gorgeous house. I loved it the minute I walked into the display home. It was one of three we seriously considered building this time but felt it didn't quite work with our block. We also fell in love with our block except someone had a hold on it. We looked at others but didn't like any as much as that one so we abandoned our plans to build. Then one day the block became available again and we took it as a sign so didn't waste any time buying it. Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 11Jan 08, 2010 10:42 am Success!!!
So here are pic's of the elevation: Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ and floorplan: Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ All comments are MOST welcome. Contract is signed but we havn't done pre-start yet so we still have time to make changes. Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 12Jan 08, 2010 12:18 pm Oh Lawks, what a block, what a view, what a floorplan! This is going to be a VERY interesting topic to watch Ms Pirate. I'm loving the space - the layout is something that I haven’t seen with the Perth builders so I’m somewhat intrigued by it. The outdoor kitchen is particularly snazzy ![]() I have a few questions:
Small edit: just in case you didn't know, you can make images appear in your post by enclosing the link with the Img tags like this: self::bbcode_second_pass_code_cb Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 13Jan 08, 2010 5:07 pm That block looks like it's in Landsdale behind the Display homes. Nice views indeed! We're building with Summit/New Gen too in Darch. Second time with this builder. Good luck with your build! ![]() Summit/New Gen Homes Slab - 9/4/10 PCI - 13/9/10 Handover - 22/9/10 Re: Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA 14Jan 28, 2010 2:40 pm Hi 2good4me, How is everything going? Im building with Easystart (summit) I looked around at about 6 or so other builders but they all wanted me to 'sign sign sign' before the FHOG ended. I ended up going with Summit because I found out a friend of a friend worked there and he didnt want to rush me because he wanted me to be happy. I still get the 21K (well i get 14K but they drop the house cost by 7K to match it) so it all works out okay. So far my experience with them has been really good. Hope this helps in some way ![]() Garden - viewtopic.php?f=19&t=44214&p=670323#p670323 Decorating - viewtopic.php?f=6&t=47218&p=715743#p715743 Hi there! Putting the feelers out there for those who have (or almost) built with Arli homes! Interested in your experiences who've built from their stock home designs… 0 96338 Our house started in VIC south east in January 24... We just reached lock up stage and should be finished in the next couple of months. Seems the supply chain issues all… 1 30285 Hi , We liked meridian homes plan and they are custom builder. Any advice or experience with Meridian homes will be help to make our descion. 0 19226 |