Had a building inspection last week and would like your thoughts on the below pic. The report advises because the wood is located below the finished ground level it will lead the wood to rot over time. It has had polyethylene put around it but it seems that is not enough. We then went across the road to a house which is at the same stage as us and the builder has done the same.
Is this normal practice for the side of a garage? How is everyone elses camberwell done
Is this normal practice for the side of a garage? How is everyone elses camberwell done
Does the inspection report state the relevant building standard? You should be able to check the standard.
Checked the photos for my garage's frame, they didn't even wrap it for mine.
It is a requirement of A.S. 1684 Residential timber-framed construction that ‘Structural timber used in accordance with this Standard shall have the level of durability appropriate for the relevant climate and expected service life and conditions including exposure to insect attack or to moisture, which could cause decay.
Structural timber members that are in ground contact or that are not protected from weather exposure and associated moisture ingress shall be of in-ground durability Class 1 or 2, or shall be adequately treated with a preservative in accordance with AS/NZS 1604 series, unless the ground contact or exposure is of a temporary nature.’
These pieces need to be replaced with ones of class 1 or 2 durability. i.e Treated pine as the polyethylene warp is not a preservative in accordance with AS/NZS 1604.
Was yours below the ground level SSAZ?