Browse Forums Building A New House 1 Aug 12, 2009 7:34 pm Hey everyone... I was just wondering what people's experiences are with the time frame between settling on a new block of land and starting construction. It's hard when your renting, because you have to pay rent and the mortgage on the land at the same time...I'm currently facing the prospect of having to do this for 6 months or so before construction even starts and I wondered if this was a bit extreme?? Basically, this is going to be the decider for me whether I go ahead with building or not... So... can people tell me what sort of time frames they experienced?? Re: Land Settlement to start of construction - timeframes? 2Aug 12, 2009 7:40 pm mine was about 3 weeks Our building journey has begun: Brookvale 45 by Porter Davis ************** Lead me not into temptation.....I can find the way myself. Re: Land Settlement to start of construction - timeframes? 3Aug 12, 2009 7:59 pm When we bought our block of land (or very sticky mud as it is at the moment) there were perhaps three other blocks in our development in South Morang still unsold. It has been about six months since we purchased the land, and work started on site about a week ago. Now, the reason why I mentioned that almost all the other blocks have been sold is that there are some houses completed with people having moved in, but about half the sites still have no building activity on them. Given our experience, this indicates to us that many builders are happy to hook people in, knowing that they can, in most cases, string people along until they are really ready to sign the contract. As other people have written on this forum, if you are after a fast start, actively have more than one building company preparing a contract for you. The extra cost is minimal, and you are not being held over a barrel by them knowing that starting again with another company from the beginning is not an option for people in your situation. Good luck! Pfiff Finally making progress again, with a clothesline (yippee) and some much needed little things being attended to over the holidays. 40 C on New Year's eve? We love our a/c! Re: Land Settlement to start of construction - timeframes? 4Aug 12, 2009 11:35 pm I know for us, our land settled on the 4th of May and we signed our building contract 1st of June. We are now almost mid August and there is no site start due to issues with council approval so all sorts of things can effect your site start. Like you we are renting. We are paying now the mortgage for our land and today received the rates bill and also received other small bills for the property such as water. Once each progress payment is made our mortgage payments also increase and I can tell you from now it will be hard but I know for us when we move in we will be spending less so it is a good learning curve! Building Sandhurst 36 Porter Davis Currently Fixing Re: Land Settlement to start of construction - timeframes? 5Aug 13, 2009 12:08 pm Hi Piper... our land settled mid dec but we didnt sign up to a builder till early feb and we had site start mid may! Our neighbours settled same day as us and had sit scrape before christmas! If you find a builder while your waiting for land settlement and start the ball rolling it is alot quicker like in our neighbours case! 2nd build here we come in Whittlesea! 1st Build - Henley - Cooper in Doreen! (2009) Re: Land Settlement to start of construction - timeframes? 6Aug 13, 2009 12:12 pm Our land settled end of May. (Land was already titled). Building Contract signed start of June. Site Start is today (which is about 2 or 3 weeks late) Bank approval for construction was the catch for us, took 2 months... Re: Land Settlement to start of construction - timeframes? 7Aug 13, 2009 9:26 pm Mine only took 5 days Land settled on 25Sep, and site cut on 30Sep.. ![]() Blog - Building Thread - viewtopic.php?f=31&t=10886&hilit=milan I am in, with my husband and my beautiful bunny 1 21893 ![]() I have a house and land. The land is 300 square meter . The construction is near finish(80%) .And I received a slab M class to H class variation $4730, and Drop Edge… 0 4101 Building Standards; Getting It Right! Hi everyone Planning a large house extension in New South Wales northern rivers with a BAL 29 Fire zoning. Has anyone had experience with this type of zoning and how much… 0 18669 |