I know I have about 6 bricks so far that have patches of no colour on them...so thats not a good start.
I wish I had gone the other brick I was think of now *sigh* Oh well, not a lot I can do now.
I hope it all goes in your favour!!

From their website (http://www.nawkaw.com.au/), Nawkaw seems like a great product. We are waiting for an update from SS after he sees the bricks today so i am hoping Nawkaw is applied to the whole house and it fixes all of our issues

I think the vanadium staining (green colour) can happen even if they don't high pressure clean as it is the vanadium salts that exist in light coloured bricks that are reacting. Fingers crossed that your bricks don't have too many problems..
I just checkedout Nawkaw website and this product looks great, I rather this product then having my house rendered. I will be emailing my SS the link to Nawkaw webpage address for consideration.
There is a small patch of wall at the front of the house where they do there cleaning tests, the bricks were perfect nothing wrong with the bricks on this particular part of the wall. The bricks in this small patch are now darker then the rest of the bricks and now have a white stain coming through them.