Browse Forums Building A New House 1 Feb 11, 2007 5:04 pm Hi there
I am new to these forums. We have just signed to build a home with Summit Homes - it is called the Xavier. Here is a link to it so you can see what it looks like. The only change to the front is that we are not having full length windows - there will be about 5 courses of bricks below the windows. We are a little bit stumped on what colour to do the big feature wall. We were thinking of using Colorbond Bushland for the roof and we thought about continuing this colour for the rest of the render (apart from the feature) as there is so little of it. We were thinking a cedar look garage door. We were thinking of going lighter for the feature wall - perhaps something like Solver Magic Flute which would probably be similar to Dulux York Stone. Anyway I am just after other opinions or suggestions which we are well and truly open to. It is so hard trying to pick the colours to get them right and I am wondering whether Bushland may be a bit dark for the render. Thanks in advance Lisa Re: Need help with external colour schem 2Aug 02, 2007 11:52 pm Hi Lisalu,
Sorry I can't help with your enquiry, but wanted to know how you are going with Summit? We are considering building with them, and would like to know what their service is like. Thanks Brett Re: Need help with external colour schem 3Aug 03, 2007 5:28 pm Very nice home Lisa……. Have fun with it!
This feature wall at the front might be only small but it is still quite dominate. I think you should go darker for the feature wall, lighter will make it disappear into the background, not worth doing in that case, you might as well do it all the one colour. The photo in the link of your home to me is not balanced in colour. The chocolate wall REALLY stands out, with no other colour to balance it off. Still looks good, but wouldn’t be my colour combo. How brave are you? Internal and External - Building and Colour Consultant Online - Worldwide Re: Need help with external colour schem 4Aug 03, 2007 9:36 pm Hi there far so good with Summit. It has been a long process for us as we were waiting on land titles but we finally settled on the land in early June. Our prestart was a great experience and everything has gone quickly since then - the pad has just been poured. We have had a few small minor problems and errors but they have all been corrected without fuss. Michelle, re colours we have chosen them but apparently we can still change them up to plate height if we wish. I am brave....well open to suggestions anyway. What we ended up choosing is the Colorbond Bushland roof, cedar look garage door, the render and front door in Solver Vitesse (which is a creamy colour) and gutters and feature wall also in Bushland. Am open to any suggestions.... Thanks Lisa Re: Need help with external colour schem 5Aug 11, 2007 12:17 am Thanks for the reply Lisalu,
Would be great if you could provide an update on your experience in a months time. Also wondering how much extra you had/choose to pay on top of the Xavier Signature specs or whether they were hiding any little tricks from the list price. Whilst I'm asking questions - did you mange to bargain for any extras or a price reduction in any way? Thanks a heap Brett Re: Need help with external colour schem 6Aug 27, 2007 3:23 pm Hi Brett
Our slab went down 06Aug and brickwork commenced last week and seems to be going up pretty quickly - we have 4 brickies doing the job so I dont think it will take long. I dont want to jinx it but so far everything has been going really quickly. We ended up spending another 40K on top of the signature spec price but we increased the size of the house, increased the garage, put in a solar hot water system and upgraded fixtures and fittings inside the house. This also included siteworks and soakwells. When we signed up they had a special offer on and we got free stone benchtops for the kitchen (value 6K) so we couldnt bargain a great deal. We got free postformed benchtop to the laundry and the phone bench we have turned into an appliance cupboard with extra shelving. We ended up getting $700.00 knocked off the original price of this because it was quite expensive. There were no hidden extras that we came accross - the only tip I can give you is if you want the larger brick size you have to tell them at the time of signing preparation of plans, which we werent aware of so we ended up with normal size brick, but didnt worry us too much as the front is rendered. Its worth asking the question though - I dont think they would bargain on the base price but you may be able to get a few small upgrades included as it is pretty quiet at the moment. If you want to do any bargaining I think it would have to be done with the salesperson, as prestart is set prices. Any other questions - feel free to ask. Cheers Lisa Hi there, we have classic cream gutters, fascia’s, roller door and undercover carport. We are are going to paint the roof a terracotta orange colour. After some… 0 13968 Thanks Pulse, thats really helpful and very much appreciated. Also thanks for the pointer on sheathing, thats me watching too many american youtube videos! 6 19899 ![]() Appreciate some suggestions on making this area of the front yard pretty. We have cleaned this place and planning to put pebbles and pots on it. Especially large flower… 0 4875 |