Browse Forums Building A New House 1 Apr 18, 2024 3:36 pm Hawkesbury Council require new homes to have a minimum of 100,000 litres of water storage if the home is not on reticulated water. We have a small section of land in a rural village, 15m x 46m. Whether we had 1 tank or multiple tanks, 100,000 is a crazy huge amount of water, especially for a small 50sq/m home for 2 people. With a slopping section with large boulders on the rear half of it, god knows where we will put tanks to reach that capacity. I have asked the council as well as friends, family and colleagues, and so for no one can actually tell me why it is 100,000 litres. Is that just arbitrary number or has some sort of calculation gone in to it? You would think the council would know why as the must have made the rule, but so far no one knows. The RFS only need a minimum of a 10,000 litre tank for heavensake. Anyone out there have any idea where they got a figure of 100,000 litres from, and no that is not a typo. Re: Minimum 100,000 litre water tank 2Apr 18, 2024 4:45 pm As is per usual for many of the past failed RWH regulations, it is probably traceable to a bureaucrat who's ego overrode the need to seek the appropriate expert advice. I'm guessing that your area's average annual rainfall is a relatively evenly distributed 900-1,000 mm. Is that close? 3in1 Supadiverta. Rainwater Harvesting Best Practice using siphonic drainage. Cleaner Neater Smarter Cheaper Supa Gutter Pumper. A low cost, siphonic, eaves gutter overflow solution. Building Standards; Getting It Right! Thank you for the generous offer. I need to get the plumber out to give me an explanation. As mentioned I haven't seen any rain water discharge from pipes 1& 3. It… 7 12908 Can a plumber put a tap on a rain water tank which is full? Tank is similar to one in photo. Cheers. 0 2818 You just need the gutter and downpipe sizes to be compliant with the NCC for the roof area harvested and have the downpipes connected to a LPOD. You need to ask your… 1 11175 |