Browse Forums Building A New House Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 5Dec 28, 2023 10:01 am ponzutwo Unless your stair treads or exposed stringers look like this (which i assume they dont), the timber is fine. Can you explain what you think is wrong here? Low, inferior grade wood used for a load bearing structure. I'm getting a classification test done on by an expert on Friday.if he passes it, I'll leave it at that. If not, I'll be withholding payment until it's rectified. Either way, it's sloppy and leaves a sour taste in the mouth by a self proclaimed, high quality, boutique builder. Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 6Dec 28, 2023 10:23 am evange ponzutwo Unless your stair treads or exposed stringers look like this (which i assume they dont), the timber is fine. Can you explain what you think is wrong here? Low, inferior grade wood used for a load bearing structure. I'm getting a classification test done on by an expert on Friday.if he passes it, I'll leave it at that. If not, I'll be withholding payment until it's rectified. Either way, it's sloppy and leaves a sour taste in the mouth by a self proclaimed, high quality, boutique builder. I think you've gone off the reservation to be honest. I'm fairly certain this piece of wood isnt considered load bearing, the stringers are. Get all the classification testing you want, personally i think youre wasting your money. You'd have been better off having gotten an independant inspector for each stage, which ive noticed you dont seem to have base don your other posts. Out of curiosity, did you check everyone one of your framing members was stamped and certified as structural timber? Like every single one? Cos i have news for you, three's so many chippies out there that will use non structural timber where they should. Happy hunting. Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 7Dec 28, 2023 10:38 am Yes. We obtained independent inspections and certified reportd at slab and framing stage. No argument for me. It's no big secret that there are charlatans and scammers out there. Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 8Dec 28, 2023 11:06 am agree with ponzutwo, looks pretty normal, visual defects are pretty common and don’t make it defective automatically. Timber can be F graded visually or machine graded MGP, for studs and other structural applications. This has some useful info on the size of defects allowed: I think you’d get more damage removing it for no reason. This is standard to put this defect somewhere it won’t be seen. Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 11Dec 28, 2023 1:50 pm evange ponzutwo yes. also people who jump at shadows. The best prize fighters do it, so they can't be wrong. Thanks for your asinine input. the best prize you clearly don't know much about professionals fighting. Thsoe guys are litterally so in tune they dont jump at shadows, but are laser focused on actual threat, blocking out all distractions. jumping at shadows indeed. My input was anything but asinine, it was aimed at helping you save money and not be "that" guy, but as you were. Good luck with your dispute. Asinine indeed. The irony is palpable. Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 12Dec 28, 2023 2:24 pm ponzutwo evange ponzutwo yes. also people who jump at shadows. The best prize fighters do it, so they can't be wrong. Thanks for your asinine input. the best prize you clearly don't know much about professionals fighting. Thsoe guys are litterally so in tune they dont jump at shadows, but are laser focused on actual threat, blocking out all distractions. jumping at shadows indeed. My input was anything but asinine, it was aimed at helping you save money and not be "that" guy, but as you were. Good luck with your dispute. Asinine indeed. The irony is palpable. Thank you for your ''input" once again, but It's my money and I can do as I please. I don' think I've seen a more ignorant response, concerning professional boxing and the trade. Of which you clearly know neither. Clearly, a self proclaimed arm chair expert which has difficulty in comprehension and constructing an English statement. Throwing barbs and having a sense of entitlement, as what I posted must have hit home hard. We love exposing charlatans like you and once less person that's taken for a ride by your ilk, Is a job well done. Stick to your Irrelevant commentary even if your feelings were hurt. I cant help that. It's untoward and best left in your feeble minded echo chambers. I smell mangina and keyboard warrior and so before you start lactating, I best leave you at your own peril. Dont waste my precious time, I've had my fun with you. Have a good day Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 13Dec 28, 2023 2:26 pm evange Thank you for your ''input" once again, but It's my money and I can do as I please. I don' think I've seen a more ignorant response, concerning professional boxing and the trade. Of which you clearly know neither. Clearly, a self proclaimed arm chair expert which has difficulty in comprehension and constructing an English statement. Throwing barbs and having a sense of entitlement, as what I posted must have hit home hard. We love exposing charlatans like you and once less person that's taken for a ride by your ilk, Is a job well done. Stick to your Irrelevant commentary even if your feelings were hurt. I cant help that. It's untoward and best left in your feeble minded echo chambers. I smell mangina and keyboard warrior and so before you start lactating, I best leave you at your own peril. Dont waste my precious time, I've had my fun with you. Have a good day are "that" guy. ROFL Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 14Dec 28, 2023 3:19 pm Assuming underneath the stairs isnt exposed (its a storage cupboard or void) then I dont see any issue with that piece of timber. You'll forget its there and visitors will never know. I doubt that knot would have much impact on the overall strength of that tread. Re: $13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber. 15Dec 28, 2023 7:28 pm Staircases and sausages. Should thou wish to keep thy palate sweet for sausages, avert thine eyes from their crafting. 3in1 Supadiverta. Rainwater Harvesting Best Practice using siphonic drainage. Cleaner Neater Smarter Cheaper Supa Gutter Pumper. A low cost, siphonic, eaves gutter overflow solution. Interesting. You have great clearance to damp proof course all the way around which is rare with so many cowboy landscapers and concreters. Is there sufficient fall… 2 10592 Not sure if that works? I was told the issue is the headspace clearance requirement on step 4. My builder is proposing shifting the beam 310mm towards the kitchen...I'm… 2 12237 Hi, we have a double storey home. We do not have staircase lights now. I wanted to know if it’s possible to have stair case lights as per attached. I don’t have any… 0 874 |