Browse Forums Building A New House 1 Nov 22, 2023 12:10 pm Hi, New to all this, so any help is appreciated it for the next steps. We are planning a Knock Down Rebuild (based in Melbourne Eastern Suburbs) of our existing property, We recently had surveyor plan done and was wondering based on this if anyone had any recommendations of any volume builders that would be suitable. I know some will not build depending on the slope of the land etc so seeing if potentially there is any issues we may have finding a volume builder and it we have to potentially end up going a custom build Going back a couple of years when we first started looking we initially worried that the slope of the land was too big, but after seeing the surveyor plan it doesn't look quite as big as we had expected. Have included pic of plan below and also a link to it Any recommendations or tips would be great. Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Re: Volume Builder Recommendations - Sloping block - Melbour 2Nov 22, 2023 12:39 pm you must have hawk eyes because i cant make out teh contour information on that image. whats the fall front to back? Im not aware of any volume builders that build on sloping blocks, some may take the job on if the fall isnt too much and they'll just cut it flat. But generally speaking, the flatter the better for a volume builder Re: Volume Builder Recommendations - Sloping block - Melbour 3Nov 22, 2023 12:53 pm ponzutwo you must have hawk eyes because i cant make out teh contour information on that image. whats the fall front to back? Im not aware of any volume builders that build on sloping blocks, some may take the job on if the fall isnt too much and they'll just cut it flat. But generally speaking, the flatter the better for a volume builder haha yeh i know the feeling. click on the photo and it should enlarge to make it alot clearer, also using the link with give the same result. I did figure that would be the case with volume builders not wanting to but thought we would see what is out there even if we stuck to the existing slope of the home which is closer to 2.5m . By the looks of the plan the existing home is max 11.28 top left of the house and the back lowest point is 8.7 bottom right of the house. Keep in mind this is the existing home. The land itself through has a max of 12.12 and the rear lowest point is 8.24 . Again im no expert when it comes to any of this thats why seeking any feedback from others who will know alot more than ourselves. Re: Volume Builder Recommendations - Sloping block - Melbour 4Nov 22, 2023 1:13 pm i did click it, still couldnt make it out rofl. in any case, doesnt look like too extreme a slope, you may be in luck. Just shoot out some emails to volume builders in your state and ask what the max slope theyl considder cutting/filling for a KDRB is and go from there VERY important to understand that each franchise is a independent business, so there are bad franchises out there as well as good (no different from a Bakers Delight… 4 4548 In my council in Vic, before even starting on the plans my builder asked me to engage the council about a tree on the footpath that was in the way for a driveway. They had… 5 1916 Thanks. Had terrible experience with metricon. Not going to repeat the mistake again. 2 1257 |