Browse Forums Building A New House Re: Council requires Jacaranda in the backyard. 3Jul 25, 2022 1:34 pm how will the council know if you dont plant it? is the requirments writen in such a way that it HAS to be in the ground (rathe rthan a pot). If they are insistant, ask them if they will put in writing that they will pay for the subsequent damage to your foundations from a known invasive root species of tree. Dark matter scientist, can breathe underwater, mind reader and can freeze matter just by willing it. Trust me, its in my sig. Re: Council requires Jacaranda in the backyard. 4Jul 25, 2022 4:21 pm Cheers for the replies. In the plans it state 200 Lt Jacaranda Mimosifolia. At the time the builder was saying to accept the tree for now to get the plans through as it had taken too long. So much so that we made it with 2 days to spare before the builder wanted to increase their pricing. I'm hoping maybe go see them in preson to see what can be done as it wouldn't be in writing. Some people say not to put it in or just to take it out after but would the council inspect it? The councils seems pretty pedantic and knowing my chances they would ask to see. Re: Council requires Jacaranda in the backyard. 5Jul 25, 2022 4:31 pm I dont know about the local WA councils, but around here no one is checking whats in your backyard regardless of what landscaping is on the plan.I'd just go with not putting one in and then if it came to it, you can argue why its not going in. There is enough material online to support the argument that a) that tree is not an appropriate tree to plant so close to teh house and b) how damaging a jacarandas roots can be to foundations. Dark matter scientist, can breathe underwater, mind reader and can freeze matter just by willing it. Trust me, its in my sig. Re: Council requires Jacaranda in the backyard. 7Jul 25, 2022 11:06 pm This makes no sense. I recommend just talking to the council. We had to plant a tree too, but all they specified was a mature tree from their list. They also told us on the plan exactly where to plant it - which we did, only to have the neighbour complain. I resisted moving it on the basis that ‘the council told us to put it there’ but when the neighbour got too loud in his complaint, I actually asked the council if we could move it, and, quite frankly, they were a little perplexed as to why I was so against moving it! (I felt like yelling “because you bloody told me to put it there!,,,,) Anyway, I got it in writing that I could move it and did so. Re: Council requires Jacaranda in the backyard. 8Jul 26, 2022 6:12 pm Wow, I thought Gosnells and Canning were bad but that takes the cake. A 200lt Jacaranda is going to come in at ~3-4m in size, you'd need a crane/forkift to get it in and a backhoe for the hole plus they're not going to be readily available so it would be an expensive exercise and that's if you can actually source one. Then a Jacaranda is going to get to +8m so you'd need to plant it at least 12m from your house. 1.5 times mature height from your house being the general rule arborists use It simply doesn't make any sense for that small a yard. Re: Council requires Jacaranda in the backyard. 10Aug 16, 2022 11:58 am ![]() is this a case of replacing mature tree that was removed to build house Sorry for the late reply. The property had no trees taller than 2m, I would have called everything plants and hedges. Re: Council requires Jacaranda in the backyard. 11Aug 18, 2022 3:57 pm Very strange decision and I struggle to see the benefits other than maybe aesthetics for the neighbourhood or canopy coverage? Having 1 solitary tree of the same species doesn't exactly do much for biodiversity and it's not even native. No problem at all. For anybody else reading this thread there is a great waterproofing shop in Sydney called "The waterproofing shop" they are in Roselands....massive… 8 21880 ![]() Regarding adding Garden bed in backyard backside, the backside neighbour project builder added the fence without… 0 8874 Sewer vent, yes you will smell sewer gasses when you sit in your gazebo. 1 3519 ![]() |