Powerfloor has thickness of 75mm.
can someone share their experience with hebel powerfloor.
- my guesstimate is cost will be approx 3 times higher than particle boards, but not sure if other than supply/install cost of hebel powerfloor, will hebel floor also impact other costs due to it's weight, thickness etc. Total first floor area is approx townhouse1 130sqm and townhouse2 90sqm. understand due to floor layout there will be cutting and wastage of the power panels.
- can hebel power floor crack easily due to ground movements, earthquakes etc than timber floor (eg. particle boards) as assuming timber is less likely to crack than solid concrete panels like hebel powerfloor
- is insulation under the hebel floor still required?
- i think hebel powerfloor is new, people using only from last 4-5 years so not sure of any issues in longer run
as claimed on hebel website, hebel powerfloor can reduce the noise from 1st floor to the ground, some thermal properties etc. but what are the other real benefits of hebel powerfloor over most common particle boards? I don't want to end paying higher cost for something which which can cause more issue and provides no substantial benefits over particle boards.
thanks in advance