Firstly apologies for not responding to all of the kind comments earlier. I have been really sick over the past few weeks and couldn't face paperwork.
So thank you everyone!
Secondly, I am up to registering the subdivision and I wanted to share a major oversight on my part that is holding up subdivision registration.
Hopefully all of the other duplex developers out there can learn from my mistake.
So my CDC for subdivision had several conditions which all seemed pretty vanilla. They included:
1. Final OC
2. Fences as per the approved plans
3. Works as executed drawings
4. Evidence that water, electricity, gas and NBN could be connected.
I jumped on 1-3 early, had all my paperwork completed and double checked.
Now stupid me assumed incorrectly that because Sydney water had connected my 2nd meter, Ausgrid had connected power, and Jemena had connected gas, that that was evidence enough.
What I didn't realise and in hindsight I should have asked the certifier was what evidence do I need.
What I have now found out is that:
1. The S73 co-ordinator needed to issue a new certificate ( I already had one for Final OC) with the words "Torrens Title" added. This cost me $1100 and I am now in my 3rd week of waiting
2. Ausgrid need to issue a certificate confirming power is available
3. NBN also need to issue a certificate, this costs $1200 and takes forever.
So lesson learnt, make sure if you are subdividing, get your applications in early!