Browse Forums Building A New House Re: Quality builder and building designer Perth 2Mar 05, 2021 8:31 am Designer,Engineer (Civil,Const & Envir),Builder,Concrete & Masonry Contract.Struct Repairs Re: Quality builder and building designer Perth 6Sep 24, 2021 10:59 am Designer,Engineer (Civil,Const & Envir),Builder,Concrete & Masonry Contract.Struct Repairs Re: Quality builder and building designer Perth 8Sep 25, 2021 8:41 am Correct, but with building being such a complex undertaking and with the architect's charges being quite high due to them being a percentage of building costs, one expects no mistake being made. But you are correct, it pays to check. One overseas TAFE-like female designer masquaraded (spelling!) as an architect, so I asked and it was confirmed, she did not graduate from a Polish university, but her charges were in-line with an architect's charges. Interesting to hear from an architect, that salespersons in volume builders are working on a commission-based salary and the architect claimed they are very similar to his. By getting several quotes it is very interesting to see huge differences for many items, e.g., electricity delivery and builders can then be reminded to cross check if they made a mistake. Please see attached. Price is excluding GST, excluding engineering. This is the first quote I have received, so not sure how standard it is. Is there anything obvious… 0 13769 Looks like AllCastle Homes. The door frames and brick colour give it away to me at least. My last home was built by AllCastle and my current neighbour's is, they were good… 3 18893 Thanks for the insight. Pretty surprised that anyone would do this to a regular customer. They are probably in a comfort zone with you for too long. Good of you always… 15 28594 |