we are about to embark on a build in an estate. The developer has all these rules etc like most new estates. Mostly common sense rules and what not. Whilst we are in agreeance with all of them (I have no issue with them) it raised a curiosity for me. I coudln't really find any information on what happens if I don't adhere to a rule. More so a timeline rule. Example: The developer requires us to have fencing done no more than 3 months AFTER occupancy. What if I don't have all the funds for the fencing in 3 months and I cannot afford it all ? What if I don;t have a neighbour in 3 months and the land is unsold (I read a thread where someone built a fence and there was no neighbour and now they can't get payment from the new owner because the new owner wasn't consulted on the fence (because there was no owner at the time the fence was needed) ?
So curious as to whaty exaclty the devleoper can do (or thinks they can do) ? Send me a stern letter ? Take it up with council and have them send me a stern letter ? Try to send me a fine (which will just add to my expenses and in turn delay the fence even longer) ?
As I said....we have no intention on not following the rules and timelines its just more a curiosity thing. Surely someone at some point somewhere has had such a scenario play out.