Browse Forums Building Standards; Getting It Right! 1 Feb 14, 2020 3:19 pm Hi everyone, I am building in the Hills Shire Council area and my lot requires a rain garden to be built. Because the property is sloping to the front, the rain garden must be built in the front yard. There are a few man holes at the front of my property, so the builder is saying they need to site my house 1 metre backwards so they can accommodate the rain garden at the front of the lot. Now my questions are these: 1. Is it possible to change the dimensions of the rain garden so that it can have a long narrow shape? 2. Is it possible for a part of the rain garden to be positioned under the driveway? Maybe we can put a grate on top of it so water can seep through? I have attached an image of the current rain garden siting for your reference. Any info or ideas you can provide will be very valuable! I just don't want to move my house back by 1 m and sacrifice my backyard! Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Well, it was the default we got with our deign, walking through the build last week felt ok, based on drawings on the floor, it is basically a metre, which is quite a big… 3 10615 I’ve been prepping for winter myself, so here’s what I’ve found helpful. For staying cozy outside, patio heaters work well, but if you want a budget-friendly option,… 2 14544 |