Hubby and I have just been formally approved on a block of land in the Dandenong Ranges -finally!! We were waiting on finance and it took us over 8 weeks for it all to go through, we are first home buyers ( and I am self employed) and had no idea how long it would take or how much would be involved.
But finally the wait is over, we settle June 1st - and now we get to start planning our house!! Exciting!! So far we have an architect drafting up some plans for us so we can go for our planning permits and get builders quotes etc, and we are working on a pretty tight budget so will definitely be looking on here for any good money saving tips and advice.
Although we won't be actual owner builders (as the bank isn't going to be happy with that option) we are hoping to find a builder who will work with us and let us help or use some of our own tradies ( ie - some of my family members

Anyone else building in the Dandenongs?