Appreciate the essential moving tips.
The link to packing tips also provides a good overview.
Browse Forums Move Management Re: Moving tips! 12Feb 07, 2009 8:52 am 'A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.' Louis Pasteur Vegie garden: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27637&start=0 My Backyard Adventure Re: Moving tips! 15Aug 15, 2010 2:20 am I went outside once. The graphics were alright, but the gameplay sucked! Settlement:22nd June Slab:27th August Frame:16th Sept Bricked:21st Oct Roof:24th Nov Linings HANDOVER23rd March! Re: Moving tips! 19Sep 26, 2012 1:57 pm Building a Delta 21 at Craigieburn - Deposit: 26/02. Contract: 22/05. Settlement: 29/05. Site start: 18/10. Re: Moving tips! 20Apr 21, 2014 8:20 am I was a removalist for a few years and I have a few tips. -If you buy a flat screen tv keep the box, it's better to pack these in the box they came in. -If you have a filing cabinet empty it, you would be surprised how much a full cabinet weighs especially if you have to use stairs. -If you pack your own kitchen place any flats (plates,bowls, serving platters) on their sides and put packing on the bottom of the box. -Don't fill big boxes with books cos they can weigh around 50-80kg. -Don't use those stupid plastic tubs to fill up with heavy stuff because they break and people have put in claims for a $5 plastic tub even though they filled it with 20kg of books. -If moving interstate get full insurance and find out exactly what it covers and also check with your own insurance company. Hope this helps someone. Cheers Ground movement due to stormwater discharge from disconnected downpipe in combination of lack of isolation joints between the external pavement and building. This is from… 2 12068 For some unknown reason, I am unable to hit send in PM. Could you send me one and I will reply in private? Thanks 24 58519 DIY, Home Maintenance & Repair It looks like they have used rigid sealant in the gap. You are supposed to use flexible sealants in filling this gap to allow for expansion and contraction movement… 1 17654 |