Browse Forums Bathrooms and Laundry Re: Shower/toilet location logic? 6Jul 02, 2017 10:45 pm Owner Builders in boot-shaped Yorke Peninsula : viewtopic.php?f=38&t=80264& Re: Shower/toilet location logic? 9Jul 07, 2017 10:53 am On the window side would be good, just ensure that it has a Waterproofed and tiled window reveal into the window. No architraves. Good luck! Regards James Mason Re: Shower/toilet location logic? 10Jul 19, 2017 11:01 am [off-topic] With such a tight squeeze between the shower door and the vanity, I'd consider a vanity designed for such conditions; for example, the Cora, Siena or Aspen vanities at have very narrow profiles. Re: Shower/toilet location logic? 11Aug 23, 2017 8:38 am ![]() What is your window?, ie is it one of those with timber architraves around it? I would worry about it getting drenched during showers and eventually swell. If it's tiled window reveals, then should be OK. Re: Shower/toilet location logic? 12Aug 23, 2017 8:49 am ![]() Our ensuite is as per pic 2. If you end up keeping it like this and are having a door to the ensuite make sure it is a cavity slider - we didn't and it is a pain as you have to go in, shut the ensuite door before you can even access the shower (something I would change if I could). I didn't think of moving the shower to the window side. I think the toilet is normally put next to the window for ventilation for the toilet (smell etc), plus possible water issues around the window. Hi, At this point we aren't planning on doors to the ensuites. The rooms each have this small ensure so any stinky business will be their own! ![]() Aluminium window framing, but need to determine the best type of window that will allow some ventilation but not have any corroding parts or hold small puddles of water. Kids will have the responsibility of keeping it tidy too before they start the weekend! (building good habits early I say) Re: Shower/toilet location logic? 13Aug 23, 2017 4:13 pm Keep in mind some builders do not allow tiled niches on exterior walls. For that reason we changed the ensuite layouts to the second image. (Mould has never been a problem due to exhaust fans.) I noticed on your plans, that the niche is not on the image with the shower on the exterior wall. I have a toilet that blocks up on the top (2nd) floor of a property. The toilets on the 1st and ground floor are OK) Blockage clears when the using a plunger. But… 0 13124 I would raise this and get them to suggest a remediation. My personal opinion, while it is not aligned to centre, if you put a toilet roll holder / vanity / toilet brush… 1 11457 Hi we are looking for some advice please? We have these Portuguese tiles through our bathroom, toilet and laundry and also a small hall that connects these rooms. We are… 0 13449 |