Browse Forums Bathrooms and Laundry 1 Jan 22, 2016 9:53 am Gents, After some advice if i could. New house, moved in a month ago. Shower pressures (two showers) were both very average when we moved in. No worries i thought ill remove the restrictors from the shower heads. Main bathroom only had one restrictor which was removed. Ensuite has two heads. Normal hand held one and a 'rainfall' head above you. The hand held head had no restrictor in it but the rain fall one did. Once removed flow was still very average. Pulled it completely apart back to the diverter valve and noticed the holes coming out of the diverter valve are only approx 8mm wide. Not keen on drilling it as i dont want to break it. Problem still persists. Tested flow at the kitchen tap with restrictor removed 7.5 L/m Laundry sink tap with restrictor removed. 13 L/m hot 19 L/m cold. Both showers with restrictors remoed 7.5 L/m So im guessing the fault isnt a lack of water pressure as the laundry tap flows at minimum twice that of the showers. Any where else i could find restrictors? in the mixer on the wall of the shower? Any other ideas? Thanks Nathan Re: low shower flow even with restrictors removed 2Jan 22, 2016 12:25 pm It could be because of a number of things. Do you know what the water pressure to your street and therefore your house is like ? Can you recall whether the plumber used 20mm pipe ( 3/4" ) throughout the house for hot and cold water to each room and then dropped that down to 12mm in each of those rooms? If they used 12mm only throughout the house that will restrict your water flow considerably. What is the pressure to the vanities in those bathrooms like ? It should be similar to the laundry. The fact you are getting 19L/m in your laundry is a good sign however so the pressure to your house may be OK. Sometimes the shower mixers can have a restricting effect too. It would be good if you could test those showers without the mixers in place but that may be a bridge too far seeing as they would be set into the framing behind the tiles. I know in our area I've seen on an official statement ( Sydney Water ) that the water supply is guaranteed at 180kPa minimum which should give a feed rate of roughly 22 litres per minute so I'd check what yours should be with your water supplier. Stewie Re: low shower flow even with restrictors removed 4Feb 23, 2016 8:41 pm Is the hot water l/m flow different to the cold water flow l/m out of the shower? Could be that one of the pipes has a kink or is compressed (plastic piping) but this would be unusual. Can you find any technical specs on your shower tap system - could be the restriction is in there. I have a Methven shower tap and there was a flow limiter in the cold side if I recall properly. Yes - you can get at the tap behind the tiling if you are careful. cheers barkly I would suggest using suspended timber floor over steel posts which are casted into concrete piers, that piers depth goes at least the pool depth. The idea is not to… 1 4776 Thanks! I'm spoke to the builder I'm not sure if this is all true but basically went along the lines of they considered all options and if I was to compact and fill it… 2 16894 Electrical just got back to me and said the most they can provide is a single power point on the Bedroom 1 side of that wall. After handover, your towel rail installer… 2 19507 |