Browse Forums Bathrooms and Laundry 1 Sep 20, 2013 11:49 am Hello, I am in need of some suggestions on incorrectly installed shower/Bath. I have been left with approx 8cm gap between the wall and the bath tub, consequently i have a flood each time someone showers. I don't want to have to remove my porcelain tiles as they were quite expensive. Any suggestion on how to fill this area so the water flows back into the bath and not around creating a river. Take a look at this picture here: Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Re: Help on incorrectly installed bath 2Sep 20, 2013 12:06 pm That sucks! Is this a bath you got installed? Are you able to speak to the builder? I can't see an easy solution.... I can't imagine 8cm worth of silicon or something!.... Build thread: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=65085 Re: Help on incorrectly installed bath 3Sep 20, 2013 12:10 pm No it wasn't a builder and the guys as in carpenter and Tilers have gone AWOL and don't want to reply to me. I had a suggestion of putting a glass shelf all the way around but i don't know if that would work, someone else said build a false wall and then re tile. Maybe someone reading this post will have invented something as I am sure I am not the only person that has had this happen. ![]() Re: Help on incorrectly installed bath 7Sep 20, 2013 9:08 pm yer that is never going to work, you could put a drain on the ledge and maybe a bead to direct water but its always going to be a bandaid. Also depends on how well the water proofing was done, if water is going to dam up you would want to hope it was all up to scratch under there. Re: Help on incorrectly installed bath 8Sep 21, 2013 5:40 pm I said on your other thread I wonder if the screen ought to have been installed right up against the tub with silicone along where they touch? Can you have the screen moved, or I suppose it will leave some holes in some tiles so they'd need replacing? They should of done it right the first time. ![]() Re: Help on incorrectly installed bath 9Sep 28, 2013 7:29 am hello, a professional showerscreen company should be able to re hang this panel correctly and have brackets or fixings to cover existing holes in your tiles Re: Help on incorrectly installed bath 11Oct 12, 2013 5:32 pm Even if you move the screen up against the bath it will still run around the remaining rim. The only thing I can think of is remove the screen then get a tiler to run a rim of mosaic tiles around the whole lip around the bath, thus bringing it up level with the bath. Then replace the screen. Might not be high enough still?? Re: Help on incorrectly installed bath 12Oct 21, 2013 9:05 pm I suggest a good Handyman should be able to fix this. I will presume the glass panel is siliconed to both the rear wall and to the top of the bath hob plus there appears to be a mounting bracket at the top corner of the glass also attaching to the tiled wall. The silicone can be cut away and the mounting bracket removed and then the glass could be relocated to the top rim edge of the bath and re siliconed back into place. Needless to say the old silicone lines will need extensive cleaning to remove them. But I wonder if you have the glass extending along the bath far enough? Looks like there could still be splashing off the shower to outside the bath with what you have there. cheers Re: Help on incorrectly installed bath 14Nov 01, 2013 9:24 pm Sorry to say, any job over $5k you are required to engage a Registered Builder to do the work, if you did, you could've reported them to the building commision, and they would fix it quick smart, else lose their licence. If you engaged tadespeople yourself, unfortunately, you are acting as the project manager, and this could get messy, and drawn out in VCAT. Unfortunately, as you got advised already, easiest way to rectify is to build a false wall, RE plaster, RE WATERPROOF, and RE tile. Also, the screen should sit on the bath inside the bath lip. Whole thing is done totally wrong. Sorry to say!! This is not installed to the manufacturers installation specification and hence is not fit for purpose, voids warranty and possibly not meet code. I’m not sure on the… 3 12341 The issue is the door is quite heavy and will be hinged off a narrow panel against the wall. You can have a flat panel of glass that runs across the narrow panel over the… 1 5423 ![]() You need to reference the manufactures installation guide, your supplier may have strengthened the base where it is not required to sit on a bed. 1 8659 ![]() |