Browse Forums Bathrooms and Laundry 1 Nov 21, 2024 12:42 pm Hello, I live in a brick veneer house built in the late 1960's/early 1970's so I'm aware it has asbestos in certain areas: eaves and laundry. However the bathroom has been renovated by previous owner clearly within the last 20 years. The wall tiles are in fairly good condition as is the flooring and the tub. There are railings on the walls. I need to do some minor changes - install new shower screen and vanity as the existing ones have some damage. Is it recommended to test the bathroom walls for asbestos prior to the work or would they have taken it out as part of the reno ? The building inspection did not flag the bathroom as containing asbestos. Thanks, R We're trying to decide on interior colours for a new build we have surfmist window frames and spotted gum floors throughout the house I'm trying to picture how Casper… 0 9652 Hi we are looking for some advice please? We have these Portuguese tiles through our bathroom, toilet and laundry and also a small hall that connects these rooms. We are… 0 12625 Thanks and agreed, I was initially very suspicious that the tenant had caused this. The only thing that's throwing me is I'm getting similar cracking in the bathroom and… 4 10599 |