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Smoothline Ventilators - roof ventilation for 2 storey home

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Hi, we have just bitten the bullet and ordered 2 sets of the smoothline ventilators for our colourbond Dune roof. We have a 2 storey home with insulation, but unfortunately no siselation/sarking ... and boy it gets hot up there.

I will update this post when we have installed them to report on their functionality.

Does anyone else have them installed? What are your thoughts? The concept sounds very logical.
Hi, we have just bitten the bullet and ordered 2 sets of the smoothline ventilators for our colourbond Dune roof. We have a 2 storey home with insulation, but unfortunately no siselation/sarking ... and boy it gets hot up there.

I will update this post when we have installed them to report on their functionality.

Does anyone else have them installed? What are your thoughts? The concept sounds very logical.

Nop,e first I've heard of them is through your thread here. But I've bookmarked this and will also be interested in replies.
My husband installed them on the weekend.

It's only early days, but so far we can notice a difference already to our upstairs area. I don't have actual temperatures, but it's definitely cooler. Especially the night time, seems to cool down a lot quicker than before.

We are also impressed with the streamline look of them too, they blend in nicely.

My husband installed them on the weekend.

It's only early days, but so far we can notice a difference already to our upstairs area. I don't have actual temperatures, but it's definitely cooler. Especially the night time, seems to cool down a lot quicker than before.

We are also impressed with the streamline look of them too, they blend in nicely.

I have to say, that does look much nicer than a traditional whirlybird.

Have bookmarked the smoothline ventilator website, thank you
We have 4 smoothline ventilators for corrugated roofs installed in our colour-bond roof, the results for reducing the heat gain in the roof were amazing cutting down the inside temperature of our home quite significantly we have also found our home to be more comfortable in the cooler months of the year – very satisfied
We have had them in for over a week now, during hot weather and it really has made quite a difference. Impressed.

Heres another picture of them fully installed.

How have you found these over your second summer?
Yes, I can't give you specific temperature ranges, but believe it definatley has had a positive effect on cooling our upstairs.
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General Discussion

Brass fly wire, you will need to cut it, shape it and jam it into brick slots

Acreage, double storey

Building A New House

We're in NSW, but designs from anywhere ok for inspo!

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