Browse Forums Heating, Cooling & Insulation 1 May 01, 2024 2:11 am A question if I may, we had our walls (brick veneer) insulated with a blow - in insulation and they seem to retain heat even after several cool days (summer and winter), we don't run a heater inside even now when its cool, rather an air conditioner on cooling on some days and open the windows and doors at night. Is there a way to ventilate the structure more, would something like brick vents help to release the built up heat and have less of the insulating affect in winter? we are working on building more shading as well. We insulated with the advise that at least in summer it will retain the cool better than without it. Any advise is much appreciated Re: Brick vents to cool the structure and release heat 2May 02, 2024 5:35 pm Shade the brick with large eves. Since going to minimum of 600mm eaves on my build, I've noticed much improved cooling off the house after hot summer days. Can see the temp starting to drop as soon as the sun goes down; unlike my previously place with no eaves, where it would stay hot until midnight. There is no reason why building contract reconciliation cannot be done prior to handover, if the builder won't do it get someone to do it for you. Why would you pay for… 3 8320 8 6087 retail its around double the price of a similar sized actron/dakin system from memory, They are excellent systems though. But with how builder gouge on AC/heating, you… 4 18343 |