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Quack grass in buffalo lawn

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I was away for some time and on return found whole buffalo lawn invaded by this strange looking grass. after some research found it is called Quack grass.
i have already tried to pull this out, but it is already spreaded on whole lawn and pulling out is just not an option for me.
is there a weed killer available in market to kill quack grass without destroying buffalo lawn? thanks.

btw located in Melbourne.

Broad spectrum lawn herbicide will kill it. Make sure you get the buffalo safe one.

Thanks Steve. Would you like to recommend any good brand/product?
Yates buffalo pro concentrate. It's best to mix and use as a spray rather than the hose applicator bottles so you get good coverage and consistency. Add a drop of detergent in your applicator bottle so the herbicide disperses well. I'd suggest investing in a large 5, 8 or 10+ pressure sprayer to apply. But make sure you only use it for herbicide lawn treatment. Get a separate smaller pressure sprayer for other herbicide treatments on citrus/ roses / shrubs ( such as white oil, confidor etc)

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