Browse Forums Landscape & Garden Design 1 Jun 14, 2017 8:02 am Hi team, I have another plant in not really sure the identity of. I've been googling and am thinking dracaena - dragon tree - but it looks much messier than all the pictures on the internet... Could be that I need to do some trimming! Any ideas greatly appreciated. 😊 Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ Re: Dragon tree? 2Jul 18, 2017 9:43 am My parents have this in their yard. I used to think it was a type of yukka but its not. I think its either some sort of cordyline or a dracaena (there are heaps of varieties, the dragon tree that you think of is the bigger variety, a lot of draecana are for indoor plants) Building Standards; Getting It Right! I found ... -it-right/ which states if tpz encroachment is greater than 30% then do not proceed. My question then is, is this… 1 14290 Fellow Perth dweller. Looks like pruns nigra. It's a dark leaf flowering plum. Doesn't get massive and is easily trimmed deciduous tree. Very popular in small gardens in Perth 7 10944 Ponzutwo All right, you called me out with the word "accidentally" but on the other hand it wasn't deliberate either on our part. It was more of a case of a dumb… 9 14599 |