Maybe try these concrete sleepers.
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http://www.structuralconcretesleepers.c ... e-main.jpg
Cheers Lou
Browse Forums Landscape & Garden Design Re: retain this ! 21May 25, 2011 10:09 pm Maybe try these concrete sleepers. Like ⋅ Add a comment ⋅ Pin to Ideaboard ⋅ http://www.structuralconcretesleepers.c ... e-main.jpg Cheers Lou 07-10-09 omg they have cut the block 14-05-10 we finally have the keys Re: retain this ! 22May 25, 2011 10:47 pm Captain, Your picture helps a lot. So, regardless of your neighbour's garage, you would have had to build a 700 mm retaining wall. From what I can gather, the complication occurs where your retaining wall buts up to your neighbours garage. The concern being waterproofing the neighbours garage. If it was me, I would build the 700 mm high retaining wall as if the neighbour's garage was not there. I would give the neighbour the opportunity to waterproof his garage wall if he wants before building the 700 mm high retaining wall. I would certainly not spend more money just because the neigbour decided to build their garage on the boundary. (Pity you can't just pile the dirt up against the neigbours garage!) Cheers, Casa Demolition August 2009, Construction Started September 2009, Completed December 2010 Re: retain this ! 23May 25, 2011 10:58 pm OK, that's what I thought you explained, although the photo looks like his garage floor is level with the first course of brick veneer not 800mm below as in your drawing. So, on the assumption that the drawing is more accurate than the photo. Get yourself an engineer. Anything you do yourself (or just a tradesman does) can jepordise the integrity of your neighbours retaining wall and you could be up for an expensive fix. Your wall will need to be designed to ensure that it doesn't imposed any extra load on his retaining. In this instance even your house is within the zone of influence of his wall, not that that's your problem (as long as your house was there first), as his wall design should have taken into account the potential for your house to create surcharge on his wall. The other issue you potentially have with building the wall as close to his as possible, is that generally there is a zone of approx 200mm of drainage material behind his wall which is totally inappropriate for any wall foundation material, this in turn pushes your wall back towards your house even more. I could turn this into a 5000 word essay, but I won't. If it's any consilation your far from alone in this scenerio, I would see jobs like this once a week. I'll repeat get a structural engineer. Then engage someone who is qualified to interpret and correctely apply engineers specs. Re: retain this ! 25Jun 06, 2011 10:02 pm Update to this: sought a secondary retaining wall builders advice..... summary of proceedings: - discovered that their tilt-slab actually encroaches up to 20cm over the boundary (on my side). - currently sending a "please explain" to the builder. I know 5cm or so over the boundary is tollerable, but 20 cm! must be kidding me..... will let you know how things go. Why are priates scary ? Because they yaargh.. Re: retain this ! 26Jun 06, 2011 11:46 pm Angle of repose comes into this. Basically this means that if you excavate next to an existing structure, footing etc (ie. your garage), they can't excavate closer than the 45 degree line down from the bottom of your concrete slab. It could mean that section of dirt between the 2 houses, could fall into their side and compromise the strength of the fill your slab is built upon. It may be a case of them building too far on your side, or your builders possibly being too close to boundary (unlikely). Whatever the case, best to be good neighbour and sort it out with them, as well as get advice from an engineer. Planned Landscape Constructions Find us on facebook ... 9907611509 |